Data representation and data types Flashcards
What is a bit?
A bit is a single digit that can be 1 or 0 (on or off)
What is a nibble?
A nibble is an arrangement of 4 bits, with 16 possible combinations.
What is a byte?
A byte is an arrangement of 8 bits, with 128 possible combinations.
What is a word in computing?
A word is the amount of data that a CPU can process within a certain amount of time. It can be 64 or 128 bits long.
How many bits are in a byte
8 bits
How many bits are in a nibble
4 bits
How many bytes are in a Kilobyte (KB)
1024 bytes
How many KB are in a megabyte (MB)?
1024 KB
How many MB are in a gigabyte (GB)?
1024 MB
How many GB are in a terabyte (TB)?
1024 GB
How many TB are in a petabyte (PB)?
1024 TB
What is the difference between Mb and MB?
Mb stands for megabits, while MB stands for megabytes. To convert Mb to MB, divide by 8.
What is a character data type?
A single letter, digit, or punctuation mark (e.g., ‘A’, ‘4’, ‘!’).
What is a string
A sequence of characters (e.g., “computer”, “science”).
What is an unsigned integer?
A whole number that is always positive (e.g., 42, 11, 1).