Data representation Flashcards
What are natural numbers?
Counting objects involves using the numerical symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
These symbols can be used to count objects e.g. 3 little pigs or 10 green bottles.
These values are referred to as natural numbers and we can describe this as a set.
ℕ = {0, 1, 2, 3, …}
What are integer numbers?
Any positive or negative whole numbers are called integers.
Integer values can be described by the set:
ℤ = {…, -2, -1, 0, 1, ….}
What are rational numbers?
Rational numbers (ℚ) include values that can be expressed as fractions or ratios.
This includes:
The set of integers: ℤ
Values with recurring values such as 0.666
We can define rational numbers as decimal or fractional numbers.
What are irrational numbers?
Some numbers (irrational numbers) cannot be expressed exactly as a fraction.
The decimal values of these numbers are endless.
Examples of irrational numbers are π or √ 2.
What are real numbers?
If a number is either rational (an integer or a fraction) or irrational, it is considered to be a real number, ℝ.
A real number is used for measurement.
What are ordinal numbers?
Numbers can be used to describe the position in which values appear, e.g. second, fourth.
These values are called ordinal numbers.
What is the binary number system?
The binary number system uses base 2 and the digits 0 and 1.
Computers can only process instructions in binary.
What is the hexadecimal number system?
Number systems with bases above 10 often still use 0 to 9 but require extra symbols for values past 9.
An example of this is base 16 which is referred to as the hexadecimal number system.
Hexadecimal uses letters for the values 10 to 15.
A = 10
B = 11
C= 12
D = 13
E = 14
F = 15
What are the benefits of hexadecimal?
A hexadecimal value is much easier to read and remember than a string of binary digits.
It is quicker to write or type, since a hex digit takes up only one character, not four.
There is less chance of making an error when typing hex characters than a string of 1s and 0s.
It is used to define colours, in MAC addresses, in assembly languages and machine code.
It is very easy to convert to and from binary.
How do computers work in terms of being an electronic device?
A computer is an electrical device which works in the same way as a light bulb connected to a battery.
Data is stored and processed using combinations of ON and OFF voltages equivalent to a lamp turning on and off where ON = 1 and OFF = 0.
These voltages are “transferred” around the parts of the computer using wires.
How are binary values represented using voltage signals in a computer?
Each individual digit in a binary value is known as a bit (binary digit).
In a computer we can represent binary values using ON and OFF voltage signals for each individual bit.
For n bits a computer can produce 2^n different combinations of values.
One byte = 8 bits
Can represent values from 0-255
What are the different units of data storage?
Historically, storage capacity was expressed using the metric prefixes of kilo (1,000), mega (1,000,000), etc. Since 1998 there has been a move towards using the special prefixes developed to more accurately represent binary values (as per the International System of Units (SI) definition). For example, a kibibyte is equal to 1,024 bytes, whereas a kilobyte is equal to 1,000 bytes.
What is ASCII?
In 1963, the American Standard Code for Information Exchange (ASCII) was established to encode symbols found in the English alphabet.
It was composed of a 7 bit character set giving 2^7 (128) possible binary codes.
Every character on the keyboard is represented by a binary value.
Uppercase letters (capitals) have different values from lowercase characters.
Punctuation symbols have their own characters.
Later, an 8-bit version was developed.
What is a transmission error?
When data is transmitted, it doesn’t always arrive in the same format that it was sent in.
Data transmissions are prone to electromagnetic interference (called noise), and the longer the cable, the more noisy the signal. This can cause a transmission error: when a bit is corrupted, a logic 1 is read as a logic 0, or vice versa.
What are some potential factors which can cause transmission errors?
These errors can cause bits to flip from 0s to 1s and vice versa:
Electrical interference – a disturbance caused by an outside source that degrades the performance of the circuits and can cause them to stop functioning. Can lead to an increase in error rate or complete loss of data.
Power surges – a spike in voltage can cause circuits to be fried and damage hardware, causing transmitted data to potentially be lost.
Synchronisation issues – data errors can result in errors and/or low data quality.
Wear and tear on the cables or connectors.
What are parity bits?
Parity bits are usually used with 7-bit ASCII.
A parity bit is a single bit added to a transmission that can be used to check for errors in the transmitted data. Its value is calculated based on the transmitted data itself.
There are two types of parity bit, even parity and odd parity.
In even parity, the value of the parity bit is chosen to make the total number of 1s in the transmitted data even. Odd parity adds a parity bit so that the total number of 1s in the transmitted data is odd.
When data is received, a parity check is carried out. If the value of the received parity bit conforms to the type of parity (odd or even) in use, then the received data is treated as correct. Otherwise, the computer will request that the sender re-transmit the data.
What is majority voting?
When using majority voting, each bit of the data is transmitted multiple times. When the data is received, the most commonly occurring value is taken to be correct. Usually, the data is sent 3 times.
What is an advantage of majority voting over parity bits?
Majority voting doesn’t just detect the error but also corrects the error, meaning there’s no need for retransmission like when using a parity bit
What is a disadvantage of majority voting?
The primary disadvantage of majority voting is that the volume of data being transmitted is increased with the repetition of bits. In the example above, the data transmitted is five times larger than the original data. This would significantly increase the time taken to transmit data.
What are checksums?
As with parity bits, checksums involve adding a value, determined by the data itself, to the transmitted data. An algorithm is used to determine the value of a checksum based on the data being transmitted. There is no agreed algorithm for this and different systems will use their own solutions. A simple algorithm that could be applied is the modulo function, which returns the remainder after a division.
Checksums are used with credit card numbers.
What are check digits?
A check digit is a type of checksum in which only a single digit is added to the transmitted data. This reduces the number of different algorithms that could be used to calculate the value of the check digit and so reduces the variety of errors that the method can detect.
Printed books and other products have a unique barcode with an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) or EAN (European Article Number).
The first 12 digits of the barcode are the unique item number, the 13th is the check digit calculated by an algorithm based on the other 12 digits.
This can be calculated using the Modulo 10 system.
How are check digits used on credit cards?
On credit cards, the checksum is a “check digit.” In a typical 16-digit credit card number, the first six digits identify the institution that issued the card. The next nine digits identify the individual account associated with the card. The last digit, the 16th, is the check digit. Credit card issuers plug the first 15 digits into a mathematical formula called the Luhn algorithm, which produces a single-digit result. That result becomes the check digit.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of parity bits?
Transmission errors can only be detected if an odd number of bits are changed.
Transmission errors cannot be corrected.
However, using parity bits is very efficient.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of checksums?
They are very good at detecting transmission errors, however, they cannot correct them.
The efficiency of checksums depends on the complexity of the algorithm used to calculate them, though they are generally efficient.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of check digits?
They are very good at detecting transmission errors, however, they cannot correct them.
They are typically more efficient than checksums as the algorithms used to calculate check digits are limited in their complexity.
What is the difference between digital and analogue data?
A computer often has to store and process real-world data.
A computer needs data in a format it can understand: patterns of 0s and 1s.
This type of data is referred to as digital data.
It is different from analogue data which can in theory be measured to any degree of accuracy.
How do cameras capture images?
When a digital camera captures the image, it breaks up what it sees through its lens into a grid of pixels.
A light sensor measures the intensity of colour in each pixel.
Each measurement is converted into binary code using an electronic component called an analogue-to-digital converter.
The number of pixels recorded in the grid affects the number of bits being used and, therefore, the size of the file created.
What are bitmap images?
Bitmap graphics are created using a grid of pixels (picture elements). A pixel is the smallest identifiable area of an image.
Each pixel is attributed a binary value which represents a colour.
Common bitmap file types are: BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF.
How do you calculate the resolution of a bitmap image?
The number of pixels used to make up a bitmap image is defined by the resolution.
The area is defined by the image width and height in pixels, e.g. 1080x768.
72dpi = screen resolution
300dpi = print quality resolution
Resolution doesn’t define the actual physical size of the image.
If an image is made bigger or smaller, the size of each pixel grows or shrinks to maintain the required resolution.
This is why there is a deterioration in quality when a bitmap is resized.