Data Representation Flashcards
What is binary?
It is a base number system that uses the numbers = 1 and 0
What is decimal?
It is the base system of 10
What is hexadecimal?
It is a base system of 1 and 16
What is a pixel?
It is the basic unit of programmable colour on a computer image
What is resolution?
Resolution- Number of pixel presented on a display
What is ASCII?
American Standard Code for International Interchange
What is lossy compression?
It makes the file smaller and data is lost
What is lossless compression?
It makes the file smaller but doesn’t lose any data
What is metadata?
Extra information of a file
What is a bitmap
A representation in which an item corresponds in one or more bits
What is colour (bit) depth?
It is the number of bits used to represent an image