Data Reduction: Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) Flashcards
What is the difference between PCA and EFA?
in PCA we don’t care why our variables are correlated, our only goal is to reduce the number of variables
in EFA we believe there are underlying causes as to why our variables are correlated and we have 2 goals:
1) reduce the number of variables
2) learn about and model the underlying (latent) causes of variables
What are latent variables?
latent variables are a theorised common cause of responses to a set of variables
- they explain correlations between measured variables
- they are held to be true
- there is no direct test of this theory
PCA does not have latent variables
Practical steps
How do we move from data and correlations to EFA?
1) check the appropriateness of the data and decide the appropriate estimator
2) decide which methods to use to select a number of factors (same as PCA methods)
3) decide conceptually whether to apply rotation and how to do so
4) decide criteria to assess and modify your solution
5) run the analysisi
6) evaluate the solution (decided in step 4)
7) select a final solution and interpret the model, labelling the results
8) report your results
Interpreting EFA output
Factor loadings
M1 M2 (with numbers underneath)
the numbers show the relationship of each measured variable to each measured factor
we interpret our factor models by the pattern and size of these loadings
Interpreting EFA output
Factor loadings
What are primary loadings
= the factor for which a variable has its highest loading
Interpreting EFA output
Factor loadings
What are cross-loadings?
= refer to all the other factor loadings (not primary loading) for a given measured variable
Interpreting EFA output
= explained item variance
the square of the factor loadings tells us how much item variance is explained
Interpreting EFA output
= uniqueness
unexplained item variance
Interpreting EFA output
= complexity
Interpreting EFA output
= give the strength of the relationship between the item and the component (same as PCA)
range from 1 to -1 → higher = stronger relationship
Differences in PCA vs EFA
Dependent variable
PCA = the component
EFA = observed measures
Differences in PCA vs EFA
Independent variable
PCA = observed measures (x1, x2 …)
EFA = the factor (is regressed on the item)
Differences in PCA vs EFA
PCA = explains as much variance in the measures (x1, x2, …) as possible
EFA = models the relationship (correlation) between the variables
Differences in PCA vs EFA
Components vs factors
PCA = components = are determinant (there is only one solution for the component)
EFA = factors = are indeterminant (there is an infinite number of factor solutions that could be extracted from a given dataset)
What does it mean to model the data in EFA
EFA tries to explain patterns of correlations
e.g. if there is a correlation between y1 and y2 die to some factor - if we remove the factor there should be no correlation
if the model (factors) is good, it will explain all the interrelationships
What is the modification index?
it is R (i think) saying “there should be a correlation here and you said there isn’t one”
Variance in EFA
total variance
total variance = common variance + specific variance + error variance
Variance in EFA
true variance
common variance + specific variance
common variance = variance common to one item and at least one other item
specific variance = variance specific to an item that is not shared with any other items
Variance in EFA
unique variance
specific variance + error variance
specific variance = variance specific to an item that is not shared with any other items
error variance = random noise
EFA assumptions
1) the residuals/error terms should be uncorrelated
2) the residuals/error terms should not correlate with factors
3) relationships between items and factors should be linear (there are models that can account for non-linear relationships)
Data suitability
How do we know our data is suitable for EFA?
this boils down to: “is the data correlated?”
so initially we check our correlations to check they are moderate (>0.2)
Data suitability
squared multiple correlations (SMC)
this is another way to check our data is suitable for EFA
SMC = tells us how much item variance in an item is explained by all other items
SMC are multiple correlations of each item regressed on all other (p-1) variables
- this tells us how much variation is shared between an item and all other items
this is one way to estimate communalities
Estimating EFA
What do we do?
for PCA we use eigen decomposition but this is not an estimation method, it is simply a calculation
As we have a model for the data in EFA we need to estimate the model parameters (primarily the factor loadings
Estimating EFA
what are communalities?
communalities = estimates of how much true variance any variable has
therefore they also indicate how much variance in an item is explained by other variables
if we consider that EFA is trying to explain true common variance, then communalities are more useful to us than total variance
Estimating EFA
Estimating communalities
Estimating communalities is hard as population communalities are unknown
- they range from 0 (no shared variance) to 1 (all variance is shared)
- Occasionally estimates will be >1 (Heywood cases)
- methods of estimation are often iterative and ‘mechanical’
Estimating EFA
Methods of estimating communalities
Principal axis factoring (PAF)
this approach uses SMC to determine the stability of the values on the diagonal of our correlation matrix
1) compare initial communalities from SMC
2)Eigen decomposition = once we have these reasonable lower bounds, we substitute the 1s in the diagonal of our correlation matrix, with SMCs from step 1
3) obtain the factor loadings using eigen values and eigen vectors of the matrix obtained in step 2
some versions of PAF use an iterative process where they replace the diagonal with the communalities obtained in step 3, then do step 3 again, then replace the diagonal again etc.
Estimating EFA
Methods of estimating communalities
Method of minimum residuals (MINRES)
this is an iterative approach and the default of the FA procedure
it tries to minimise communalities on the diagonal
1) starts with some other solution e.g. PCA or principal axes, extracting a set number of factors
2) adjust the loadings of all factors on each variable so as to minimize the residual correlations for that variable
Estimating EFA
Methods of estimating communalities
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
this is the best estimation method BUT it doesn’t always work (the other two will work no matter how bad your data is)
the procedure works to find values for these parameters that maximize the likelihood of obtaining the observed covariance matrix
Estimating EFA
Methods of estimating communalities
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
- provides numerous ‘fit’ statistics that you can use to evaluate how good your model is compared to other data
- MLE assumes a distribution for your data (e.g. normal distribution)
Estimating EFA
Methods of estimating communalities
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
- it is sometimes not possible to find values for factor loadings that equal MLE estimates - this is referred to as non-convergence
- MLE may produce impossible values of factor loadings (e.g. Heywood cases) or factor correlations (e.g. >1)
*MLE assumes data is continuous and this is not always the case