Data manipulation Flashcards
the technique whereby a portoin of the lines of K spae are sampled and filled and the remaining lines are interpolated is known as
half foureir
partial fourier
fractional foureir
in a 3D acquisition the slice are produced by
a phase encoding gradient applied in the slice selection direction
the scan time for a 3D (volume) acquisition is given by
TR X NSA x number of phase encodings x number of slices
one direction in k space represents phase while the other represents
with conventional spin echo each line of k space is filled in each
TR period
the top portion of k space is a mirror image of the
acquiring half of the phase views of ka space and then interpolating the data for the other half is a technique known as
half fourier
with a FSE sequence utilizing an eight echo train length (ETL) the number of lines of k space filled during each TR will be
to create a projection image in MRA the technique most commonly employed is
maximum intensity pixel
to evaluate the circle of willis (COW) 3D TOF MRA sequences are acquired and displayed as an axial view of all of the vasculature. this image is known as
collapsed image
to evaluate the COW, 3D TOF MRA sequences are acquired and background tissue is carved out to provide better visualization of the intracranial vasculature. this step is known as
creating additional images in various planes from a 3D data set is accomplished by a technique known as
multiplanar reconstruction
in order to produce a high quality reformatted image the
acquisition voxel should be isotropic
collecting the low freq (high amplitude signal) data points in k space at the start of a scan (in a rectilinear fashion) is known as
collecting the low freq (high amplitude signal) data points in ka space at the start of a scan (in a spiral fashion) is known as
elliptic centric
during dynami enhanced imaging for vasculature or visceral structures contrast is administered and ka space is filled with _____to ensure that the contrast enhancemnt is well visualized
the high freq (low amplitude) dat apoints in k space provide
edge detail (spatial resolution
during contrast enhanced imaging fo the abdominal organs, images are acquired without and with gadolinium enhancement. to bettrer visualize contrast enhancment _______can be performed
a 3D data set can be reconstructed to display what appears to be a 3D image of the anatomy this technique is known as
volume rendering
the evaluation of cardia function can be provided by any of the following
cardia cine
multiphase imaging
perfusoin imaging
the technique by which signal data is transformed from a plot of signal intensity over time to a plot of signal intensity over freq is known as
fourier transformation
the technique by which signal data is modified from the time domain to the freq domain is known as
`fourier transformation
fourier transformation converts signal dat from the FID into the spectrum
foureir transformation is performed in the
array processor
cardia analysis performed with a technique using SAT band to assess wall motoin is known as
myocardial tagging