Data Management Unit 2 Flashcards
Cause and Effect Relationship
Change in x produces change in y (EX: height vs velocity)
Common-Cause Factor
External variable causes two variables to change in the same way.
Reverse Cause-and-Effect Relationship
Dependent and independent variables are reversed in the process of establishing causality.
Accidental Relationships
Correlation without any casual relationship between variables (Female engineers over the years increased, so did reality television)
Presumed Relationships:
Correlation doesn’t seem to be accidental even though no cause and effect or common-cause factor. (level of fitness in people who like adventure movies)
Extraneous Variable
Affects either the dependent or independent variable.
Experimental Group
Group where the independent variable is changed in an experiment or statistical study.
Control Group
Independent variable is held constant in an experiment or statistical study.
Sampling Technique
Process of studying the population by gathering information and analyzing data
Sample Bias
Bias resulting from a sampling frame that doesn’t reflect the characteristics of the overall population.
Hidden variable
An extraneous variable that is harder to pin-point/recognize
Points in data that are much more different than the rest of the other data
Can affect the graph/the way it is portrayed (climate change and rain fall)