Data management Flashcards
Can you tell me three principles of UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018?
Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency;
Purpose Limitation;
Data Minimisation;
Storage Limitations;
Integrity and Confidentiality;
and Accountability.
How do you comply with UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 in your role?
Give me an example of how you process and handle confidential information.
Give me an example of how you ensure that data is kept securely.
What do the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 apply to?
There are specific rules on:
marketing calls, emails, texts and faxes;
cookies (and similar technologies);
keeping communications services secure; and
customer privacy as regards traffic and location data, itemised billing, line identification, and directory listings.
What is copyright?
Copyright protects your work and stops others from using it without your permission.
What is Intellectual Property?
Intellectual property is something that you create using your mind
Can intellectual property be transferred?
Yes, you can share your intellectual property rights through licensing or assignment agreements.
What is the Freedom of Information Act 2000?
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives a general right of access to information held by public authorities (and those providing services for them), sets out exemptions from that right and places a number of obligations on public authorities.
Can you tell me about the retention of files and the Limitation Act 1980?
Section 5 of the Limitation Act 1980 states that legal action must be brought within six years of the issue arising. Businesses, then, have a responsibility to keep these documents for at least six years after they expire so they can refer to them if there’s a disagreement.
Give me an example of a property information tool.
Public records. This tool provides you with vast information about a property, ownership history, features and specs of the property
Tell me about how you extract data from a source regularly used in your role.
What are the limitations of primary/secondary data sources?
The limitation to primary data is the expense and time is spent on gathering data, whereas secondary information may be inaccurate or irrelevant.
How do you validate information?
I validate information by fact checking and cross referencing.
What is the difference between a deed and a registered title?
the deed is the physical document that proves ownership. The title is the concept of legal ownership that the deed grants you
How do you source title information?
Through HM Land Registry
What are the differences between manual and electronic records?
Paper documents are difficult to search, carry, copy, and modify. Paper documents are easily damaged, misfiled or misplaced. Electronic documents are delivered by networks, disks, flash memory and CD/DVD and are stored on a file system. Multiple users can read and review electronic document simultaneously.
What is an index map?
The index map contains information on all land and property that’s registered or being registered with HM Land Registry.
What does encryption mean?
Encryption is the process of protecting information or data by using mathematical models to scramble it in such a way that only the parties who have the key to unscramble it can access it.
What is a firewall?
A firewall is a network security device that prevents unauthorized access to a network. It inspects incoming and outgoing traffic using a set of security rules to identify and block threats.
How can you protect electronic data from viruses?
Install antivirus software.
Keep software up to date.
Run antivirus scans.
Back up files regularly.
Create strong passwords to prevent access.
What does block chain mean?
A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the consensus of the network.
Which records are manually kept in your office and why?
We manually keep our terms of engagement. It provides a safety net of our contractual obligations to our clients should files be deleted, lost or encrypted
What is BIM and how can it be used?
Building Information Modeling and is a workflow process. It’s based around models used for the planning, design, construction, and management of building and infrastructure projects. BIM software is used to model and optimize projects by planning, designing, building, and operating BIM models.
Explain the growing use of AVMs in the industry.
Automated Valuation Models are a useful tool to assess the market value of a property quickly and efficiently. In the short term, AVMs are a useful mechanism to sense check or provide quality assurance to an existing valuation.
What AVMs are you aware of?
I am aware of CoreLogic and the Loan Mortgage Corp
What is ISO 9001?
SO 9001 is the world’s most recognised quality management system standard, established by the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO). ISO 9001 helps organisations implement clear, repeatable processes to maintain a quality service for their customers every time.
What are the requirements of ISO 9001?
There are five requirements to achieve ISO 9001 certification:
Quality Management Systems (QMS)
Management Responsibility.
Resource Management.
Product Realization.
Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement.
What does ISO 27001 relate to?
ISO 21001 provides a framework and guidelines for establishing, implementing and managing an information security management system (ISMS).
Why is quality management important?
Quality management helps companies improve their products’ reliability, durability and performance.
What is an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)?
An electronic document management system (eDMS) is a type of software that stores, organizes, and manages documents in the form of electronic files for an organization.
What do you understand by the Civil Evidence Act 1995?
An Act to provide for the admissibility of hearsay evidence, the proof of certain documentary evidence and the admissibility and proof of official actuarial tables in civil proceedings; and for connected purposes.
Are electronic signatures accepted by the Land Registry?
Yes, HM Land Registry will accept consents, certificates and application forms signed electronically by non-conveyancers as long as these documents are lodged by a conveyancer
What type of documents can electronic signatures be used for?
An electronic signature is used to sign documents that are sent online, removing the need to sign paper documents with a wet ink signature. An e-signature can be used on legal documents, contractual agreements, invoices, financing documentation .
What is data redundancy?
Data redundancy occurs when the same piece of data exists in multiple places, whereas data inconsistency is when the same data exists in different formats in multiple tables.
What is VLOOKUP used for?
VLOOKUP stands for Vertical Lookup. As the name specifies, VLOOKUP is a built-in Excel function that helps you look for a specified value by searching for it vertically across the sheet.
What is a pivot table?
A PivotTable is an interactive way to quickly summarize large amounts of data. You can use a PivotTable to analyze numerical data in detail, and answer unanticipated questions about your data.
How have you obtained data from published sources for use on a project?
I have obtained data from published sources, like costar and analyse by setting my parameters in regard to comparable properties, for example the square meterage and the type of property and filtering due to location.
How have you obtained data from in-house sources?
I have used my companies crm system which stores my clients tenure information. I am able to search via my client or by searching for the property itself.
How have you extracted data for inclusion in a database?
I have extracted comparable evidence to include in my rental database through costar. I set my parameters for comparable evidence such as square meterage and property and filtered for location. I then download the data and manually input the data to the database.
How have you set up and used paper-based or electronic project filling systems?
I have set up an electronic project filing system for my clients. The filing system is set up to store my clients terms, tenure documents and survey and valuation data. The filing system is updated manually when the relevant documents have been received or created.
How have you used a computerised central project database?
I have set up a computerised central project database, the rental database. This database is set up in order to analyse valuation schemes for rating purposes and assesses the rental vlaue as of the avd. The database was set up manually and the data is stored manually when extracted from data sources.
How have you inputted and extracted data from BIM?
I have not inputted or extracted data from BIM, however if I do in the future i will seek advice from a peer who has the relevant experience of BIM.
How have you retrieved information from a technical library?
How have you set up a technical library?
How have you written clear and factual reports on information extracted from a property record or information system?
I have written clear and factual reports by providing the relevant information of the data, as not to misconstrue the data presented. I have provided a clear and structure breakdown/analysis of the data and presented my findings in a formal manner.
How have you assisted in the development of a property information system?
How have you interpreted plan/map data?
How have you interpreted legal language in relation to property records?
How have you ensured good data security?
I have ensured good data security by only providing access to files to relevant parties. I have also kept a separate storage system away from the main files to ensure the data is saved and stored in seperate locations.
How have you inputted survey and valuation data?
I have inputted survey and valuation data on to my coompanies crm system. I input data such as specification and rental value on to my clients proeprties.
How have you extracted and used survey and valuation data?
I have extracted valuation data from costar and analyse. I find comparable properties and export the survey and valuation data to support my work.
How have you searched for comparable evidence?
I ahve searched for comparable evidence through costar, land registry and analyse. When searching for comparable evidence, I use analyse to find properties in my clients and valuation scheme and use costar and land registry to obtain the evidence.
How have you used data searches for due diligence functions?
How have you advised on data storage system?
I advised my company should have a separate storage system to log, track and manage surveying workflow. The data storage system allows surveyors to maintain a structured workflow and provides a visual aid for where appeals are in the workflow of CCA. It has been created in order to track and manage expectations of appeals and provides an area to provide advice to our clients based on the survey and valuation data in relation to what the rental value should be at AVD.
How have you advised on business filling systems?
I have advised on data filing systems by encouraging a standardised filing format. The format allows survey and valuation data to be stored within the relevant client but has a standard format across all clients to store floorplans, valuation and reports.
How have you benchmarked from analysed historic data?
Yes, the surveyor hub stores historic data and I have analysed the success of historic appeals. This has allowed me to benchmark expectations of appeals going forward and provide a target to improve the company.
How have you advised on the use of a computerised central project database?
I have advised my company to create a computerised central project database in order to collate and analyse our clients lease agreements as well as comparable evidence to support appeals. My advice was to store data per valuation schemes as this would allow to analyse the tone of a scheme and assess whether the rental values applied are correct as per the avd.
How have you advised on security of data?
In relation to the rental database, I advised that only relevant team members should have access to the database. In order to protect against any potential cyber attacks and limit the risk of the data becoming corrupt, lost or stolen.
How have you advised colleagues on relevant data through completing returns and market survey data?
How have you complied with client’s data security requirements?
How have you incorporated data research into complex reasoned advice to clients?
I have incorporated data research into complex reasoned advice to my clients by providing analysed data from comparable evidence. I have broken down the current valuation aspects of my clients proeprty nd explained how the comparbale evidence has differed to the subject proeprty. The advice has been in both favourable and unfavourable cases. The data allows me to advise my clients whther the rental value could/should be challenged or if there are not grounds to challenge.
How have you presented conclusions to clients from data research and analysis?
I have presented conclusions to clients though the use of a comparable evidence table, and explained the key factors as to whether an appeal should or should not go ahead. My main conclusions are drawn on the rental value per m2 in comparison to the base rate. If the rental value per m2 is lower than the base rate and the comparable evidence supports it, I would advise my client that an appeal should take place.