Data Loading And Unloading Flashcards
What are the primary methods for loading data into Snowflake?
The primary methods include bulk loading with the COPY INTO command, Snowpipe for continuous data loading, and manual loading via the web interface.
Explain the process of using Snowpipe for data loading.
Snowpipe automates the process of loading data into Snowflake by continuously ingesting data from files staged in external cloud storage.
What is a Stage in Snowflake?
A Stage is a location where data files are stored for loading into or unloading from Snowflake.
How do you load data from a local file system into Snowflake?
You can load data from a local file system into Snowflake by first uploading the files to an internal stage using the PUT command.
Describe how to use COPY INTO command in Snowflake.
The COPY INTO command is used to load data from a stage into a Snowflake table. It specifies the file format and other options for the loading process.
What is the role of external stages in Snowflake?
External stages refer to cloud storage locations, such as AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, or Google Cloud Storage, that are used to store data files for loading into Snowflake.
How can you unload data from Snowflake to an external location?
You can use the COPY INTO command to unload data from Snowflake tables into files stored in external cloud storage.
What file formats are supported by Snowflake for data loading?
Snowflake supports various file formats including CSV, JSON, Avro, ORC, and Parquet.
How do you handle data transformations during loading?
Data transformations during loading can be handled using the COPY INTO command with transformation functions or by using a pre-processing step before loading.
What is the purpose of the FILE FORMAT object in Snowflake?
A FILE FORMAT object defines the format of data files, such as CSV or JSON, to be loaded into or unloaded from Snowflake.
How does Snowflake handle data compression?
Snowflake automatically compresses data files using algorithms like gzip or Snappy to reduce storage costs and improve loading performance.
Describe the error handling options available during data loading.
Snowflake provides options like SKIP_FILE, CONTINUE, and ABORT to handle errors during data loading, allowing flexibility in managing problematic data.
What is the use of the VALIDATION_MODE parameter?
The VALIDATION_MODE parameter in the COPY INTO command allows you to validate the data files without actually loading them into the table.
How can you monitor data loading activities in Snowflake?
Data loading activities can be monitored using the Snowflake web interface, the QUERY_HISTORY view, and the TASK_HISTORY view.
What are the best practices for efficient data loading in Snowflake?
Best practices include using the appropriate file format, compressing data files, using parallel loading, and optimizing the data distribution.
How do you automate data loading in Snowflake?
Data loading can be automated using Snowpipe, scheduled tasks, or integration with ETL tools and cloud services.
What is the role of the PUT command in Snowflake?
The PUT command uploads data files from a local file system to an internal stage in Snowflake.
How do you handle JSON data loading in Snowflake?
JSON data can be loaded into Snowflake using the COPY INTO command with a JSON file format specified, and it can be queried using Snowflake’s native JSON functions.
What is a PARSE_ERROR file in Snowflake?
A PARSE_ERROR file is generated when there are errors during data loading, capturing details about the problematic data rows.
How does Snowflake handle large data volumes during loading?
Snowflake handles large data volumes by automatically partitioning the data and distributing the load across multiple virtual warehouses for parallel processing.