what does this CT head show?
hyperdense left middle cerebral artery thrombus
what does this CT scan show?
hypodense ischaemic stroke
what does this CT scan show?
hyperdense haemorrhagic stroke
what does this CT head show?
extradural haematoma
- biconvex lemon shaped hyperdense mass
- bleeding limited by sutures
- midline shift
- associated skull fracture
what does this CT head show?
left subdural haematoma
- crescent hyperdense mass
- midline shift
- not limited by sutures
what does this CT head show?
subarachnoid haemorrhage
what does this AXR show?
small bowel obstruction
- central bowel loops
- bowel loops >3cm diameter
- valvulae conniventes crosses whole diameter of bowel
what does this AXR show?
large bowel obstruction
- peripheral bowel loops
- large dilated bowel loops >6cm diameter
- haustra partially crosses diameter of bowel
what does this AXR show?
bowel perforation
- Rigler’s sign = both sides of bowel wall are visible
- gas below diaphragm
what does this AXR show?
toxic megacolon
- significant large bowel dilation >6cm without obstruction
- lead-pipe colon
- thumbprinting
what does this AXR show?
sigmoid volvulus
- coffee bean sign
- dilation of proximal large bowel
- rigler’s sign (both sides of bowel visible) if perforation has occurred
what does this CXR show?
- right upper zone consolidation
what does this CXR show?
simple pneumothorax
- visible rim of air between lung margin + chest wall
- no visible lung markings
what does this CXR show?
tension pneumothorax
- mediastinal shift to right
- absent lung markings
what does this CXR show?
chronic heart failure
- alveolar oedema (batwing)
- Kerley B lines
- cardiomegaly
- dilated upper lobe vessels
- pleural effusion
what does this CXR show?
pulmonary oedema
- bilateral peri-hilar shadowing
- blunting of costophrenic angles
- fluid in fissures
- kerley B lines
what does this CXR show?
left-sided pleural effusion
- blunting of costophrenic angles
- blunting of cardiophrenic angle
- fluid in fissures
- fluid level
- mediastinal shift away from effusion in larger volumes
what does this CXR show?
left-sided lung cancer
- single or multiple masses or nodules
- pleural effusions
- lung collapse
- air-space shadowing
what does this ECG show?
inferior STEMI
what does this ECG show?
atrial fibrillation
- irregularly irregular rhythm
- absence of P waves
what does this ECG show?
2nd degree heart block Mobitz type 1
- progressive PR interval prolongation until drops QRS complex
what does this ECG show?
2nd degree heart block mobitz type 2
- ratio of dropped QRS complexes
what does this ECG show?
complete (3rd degree) heart block
what does this ECG show?
- widespread saddle ST elevation
- PR depression
- reciprocal ST depression + PR elevation in aVR