Data exchange Flashcards
Point to point: cb de converter et aventage default et type ?
Ad-hoc software converters
For N software you need N(N-1) converters
You’ll conserve all the information of interest but it will be difficult to maintain all converters
qu’est ce?
tout le monde file a tout le monde
qu’est ce?
tout le monde file a un qui le redistribu
cb de converter et aventage default et type ?
A “neutral format” with pre-defined and shared semantics
For N software you need 2N converters
You’ll loose information of interest but it will be easier to maintain all converters
exemple de language + info sur lui ?
eXtensible Mark-up Language (XML) XML is a semi-structured data model that has been proposed as the standard for data exchange on the web.
XML propriétés
comme html
An XML document is a labeled (some annotation), unranked (no a piori bound on the number of children of a node), ordered (order between the children of each node) tree (acyclic graph).
XML specifies a «syntax» and no a priori semantics. So, it specifies the content of a document but not its behaviour or how it should be processed.
XML formes
Forme sérialisée : représentation textuelle et linéaire de l’arbre conforme à une syntaxe (parfois compliquée).
Forme arborescente : implémenter, dans un contexte spécifique (ex : modèles orientés objet), la représentation abstraite de l’arbre.
CSV et JSON avantage et inconv
Comma Separated Value (CSV) and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
XML plus grand que CSV support data hierarchie human readable API built-in functionality for mapping CSV plus compact que xml no data herarchie JSON support data hierarchie smaller than xml deux fois plus gros que CSV moins d'API built-in functionality for mapping
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES)
Quel est ce type d’exchange ?
An IGES model is a set of entities where each entity has a number – e.g. line = 110.
Un modèle IGES est un fichier ASCII dont chaque ligne contient 80 caractères séparés par une virgule.
Solid surface curves…
STandard for the Exchange of Product (STEP)
PK ?
Problème initial à résoudre - échange de données du système CAO pour remplacer IGES, SET et VDA-FS.
Approche initiale : STEP sera basé sur un modèle d’information produit unique, complet et indépendant de la mise en œuvre.
Les pièces STEP orientées géométrie (par ex. AP203 “Configuration controlled 3D design”) sont encore les plus utilisées.
STEP AP203 particularité, ce que sa couvre ou non ?
STEP AP203 : Configuration Controlled 3D Designs of Mechanical Parts and Assemblies
Products as mechanicalparts and assemblies,
Data forconfiguration controlapplied to design phase,
Data related to thedocumentationof design change process, approval, security classification,
Geometrical dataas : wireframe, surfacic and faceted models, manifold surfaces and solids (BREP).
It does not cover (in particular) :
Constructive Solid Geometry (and more generally, Construction History),
Data which doen’t apply to design phase (such as manufacturing),
Graphical presentations.
From that rather limited list, some additional extensions have been proposed, to cover graphics, dimensioning, etc. already covered in AP214. This has leaded to the update AP203 Edition 2.
STEP AP203 Edition 2 : evolution of AP203, les diff ?
- better interoperability with AP214
include :
Textual annotationsassociated to the geometry,
Geometrical Dimensions and Tolerances(GD&T), with graphical presentations,
Validation Properties(Global, as volume, area, center; Local as Clouds of Points),
Construction Historyin 3D.
STEP AP214 : Core Data for Automotive Mechanical Design Process, que peut tu dire dessus ?
Tolerance data, Surface conditions.
Productsas mechanicalparts,assemblies,toolsused by manufacturing (mainly for cars),
Information forprocess plan,configuration control, applied to design phase,
Geometrical dataas : wireframe, surfacic models, faceted models, manifold surfaces and solids (BREP), constructive solid geometry, hybrid models
It does not cover (in particular) :
Parametric representation of shapes,
Continous kinematics simulations over time,
Data related to finite element analysis (see AP209),
Data related to particular technologies such as pneumatic, hydraulic, electric, or electronic.
FMI functional Mock-Up Interface (FMI), pour quoi faire ?
For two purposes: Model Exchange and Co-Simulation
FMI for Model Exchange définit un format d’échange pour les modèles hybrides ODE/DAE, sans (auto-intégration) ou avec une résolution numérique.
A Functional Mock-Up Unit (FMU) is a simulation component compliant with FMI specification. It is a ZIP file containing:
shared library and/or source code
XML-based model description, e.g. its variables
optional other resources (icon, etc.)
Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) qu’est ce ?
is an open and standardised interoperability solution proposed by IBM et al. in 2008 inspired by the paradigm shift from a Web of Documents to a Web of Data (Semantic Web)
Quels sont les 3 types de tests:
Reflexive test
Transmission test (Direct and Indirect)
Feedback test (with or without modification)
Refective test with IDES et STEP
Loose features
Loose sketch
Keep solid bodies and surfaces
Geometry of high quality
Transmission test with Step: solid edge to solidworks
SolidWorks generates an assembly rather than 2 parts
Transmission test with IGES: solid edge to solidworks
SolidWorks generates an assembly rather than 2 parts