data Flashcards
important of Huffman coding
1) it is an algorithm to compress data
2) it applies compression algorithm to take a large file and store it as a smaller set of data
3) it applies decompression algorithm to take smaller compressed data and get the original back
methods for data compression
1) Use ASCII Code - each character takes 8-bits
2) Use 3-bit to encode each character
3) Use Huffman Code
- use variable length code
- use fewer bits for more frequently occuring characters
Calculate memory of Huffman Code
1) File Size: Frequency * number of bits
2) Table Size: (Frequency * 8) + (number of total bits)
List 4 types of Shortest Path Problem
1) Single Source: Find a shortest path from a given source to each vertex
2) Single Destination: Find a shortest path to a give destination from each vertex
3) Single Pair: Find a shortest path from a to t, for given vertices a and t in a graph
4) All Pairs: Find a shortest path for every pair of vertice in graph
Compare Dijkstra and Floyd Algorithm
similarity = can support both direct and non directed graoh
dijkstra = non negative weight
floyd = can support negative weight
= assume non-negative cycles
the time complexity for Dijkstra Algorithm using Adjacency Matrix, Min Heap,
time complexity for Floyd Algorithm
1) Adjacecny Matrix = O(V2)
2) Min Heap Adjacency List = O(E(log V)
3) Floyd = O(V3)
Types of Minimum Spanning Tree & their Time Complexity
1) Prim’s O(1)
2) Kruskal’s O(n2)
min heap > O(nlogn)
3) Topological Sort
Important of knowing whether it is a spare/dense graph
1) it affects the choice of data structure to represent graph
2) it affects the choice of algorithm to process graph
Advantages of Adjacency Matrix Representation
1) Simple and Clear
2) O(1) to check whether any 2 vertices have edges connecting to them
3) O(V) to find all adjacent vertices of V
Disadvantages of Matrix Representation
1) Waste of time and space on Sparse Graph
Advatages of Adjacency List
1) O(V) time to find all the adjacent vertices of V
2) Space efficient of Sparse Graph
Disadvantages of Adjacency List
1) O(V) time to check whetehr any 2 vertices have edges connecting them
Definition of Sparse & Dense Graph
- number of edges is closer to the number of vertices
- number of edges is closer to the sequared of number of vertices
Definition of Strongly connect Graph, Weakly Connected Graph and Complete Connected Graph
Strongly Connected Graph
- There is a path for every vertices to every other vertices in directed graph
Weakly Connected Graph
- There is a path for every vertices to every other vertice ignoring the direction of edge
Complete Connected Graph
- For every pair of vertices, u not equal to v, there exist an edge from u to v