Data Flashcards
What is meant by quantitive data?
- data expressed numerically
- data can be gained from scores in experiments e.g. number of words recalled
- or from self report methods
- uses closed questions
- can be analysed statistically/easily converted into graphs
What is a strength of quantitative data?
- easier to analyse
- allows comparisons to be made within data to establish patterns + trends
- easier to make conclusions abt bhv
- WHEREAS qualitative is wordy + more difficult to statistically summarise so comparisons within data are harder to make
What is a weakness of quantitative data?
- lacks depth + meaning to bhv
- prevents ppts from being able to develop their thoughts, feelings and opinions
- lacks vital detail
- reduces int val
- WHEREAS qualitative data is rich in detail providing a greater understanding of human bhv
What is meant by qualitative data?
- expressed in words + descriptive data
- written description of thought, feelings and opinions of ppts
- from an interview
- or open questions in a questionnaire
What is a strength of qualitative data?
- lots of detail + depth
- allows ppts to develop on thoughts, feelings and opinions
- provides greater understanding of bhv
- WHEREAS quantitative data lacks depth + meaning as data is numerical
What is a weakness of qualitative data?
- harder to analyse
- difficult to statistically summarise to establish patterns + trends
- could lead to researcher bias as analysis is based on their own subjective interpretations
- WHEREAS quantitative data can be analysed statistically to provide patterns + trends, so its easier to make objective conclusions abt bhv
What are the 3 levels of measurement?
What is nominal level data?
- categories
What is ordinal level data?
- ranked scale
- doesnt have equal intervals
- subjective opinions
What is interval level data?
- standardised measurement
- objective (factual)
- equal intervals
- e.g. time, height
What is primary data?
- collected first hand from ppts
- specifically for aim of research
- from an experiment, questionnaire or interview
What is a strength of primary data?
- researchers are able to specifically target info they want
- and organise exp in a way that suits the aim
- as data is collected first hand from ppts specifically for aim of research
- inc int val
- WHEREAS secondary data might not meet direct needs of researcher, less useful
What is a weakness of primary data?
- requires time and effort
- as researchers obtain the data
- and analyses results
WHEREAS secondary data is easily accessible, requires minimal effort, reducing time and costs
What is meant by secondary data?
- data has been previously collected by another researcher or source (3rd party)
- not specific for aim of study
- then used by researcher
What is a strength of secondary data?
- easily accessible + requires minimal effort to obtain
- info researcher wants, might already exist
- no need to collect primary data, reduces time + costs
-WHEREAS primary data takes time + effort to obtain and analyse data
What is a weakness of secondary data?
- may be poor quality or have inaccuracies
- could be outdates, incomplete or doesnt meet direct needs of researcher
- WHEREAS primary data is collected 1st hand from ppts + specifically for aim of research, inc int val
What is meant by meta - analysis?
- form of research method that uses secondary data
- gains data from a large number of studies
- that have investigated the same research and used same methods
- it combines all this info to make conclusions abt bhv
What is a strength of a meta analysis?
- it gathers data from multiple studies
- so allows us to view data with much more confidence
- inc generalisability of findings across larger populations
What is a weakness of a meta analysis?
- publication bias
- researcher may not use all relevant studies
- choosing to leave out studies with negative results
- so data will be biased as it only represents some of the relevant data
- incorrect conclusions are drawn