Darwin selection CONNECT Flashcards
what is involved in natural selection?
There is always competition for resources.
Organisms differ in reproductive success.
There are inheritable variations in populations.
what is catastrophism
theory that proposed that a series of catastrophes or mass extinctions followed by repopulation could explain why species change over time.
Darwin’s theory of natural selection to explain evolution is also known as?
descent with modification.
During the course of Darwin’s journey aboard the H.M.S. Beagle he was collecting and recording ________ and __________.
geological; biological diversity evidence
What viewpoint was proposed by Aristotle about living organisms?
living organisms form a sequential ladder of life, with humans at the top
Linnaeus developed his classification system for organisms according to
a theory of special creation and fixity of species.
Lamarck’s inheritance of acquired characteristics included the idea that
there is a natural force in all living things that pushes them toward perfection.
Cutting off the tails of mice over several generations should cause the tails of their offspring to become shorter, according to the ideas of which of these scientists?
what ideas did darwin adopt from MALTHUS
In his theory of natural selection, Darwin incorporated the premise that available resources were not sufficient for all members of a population to survive. Darwin adopted these ideas of competition and survival from
in his theory of natural selection, Darwin incorporated the premise that available resources were not sufficient for all members of a population to survive. Darwin adopted these ideas of competition and survival from
Over many generations man has chosen certain desirable characteristics in dogs by allowing dogs possessing those characteristics to reproduce. In this way, 150 breeds of dogs, all in the same species, have descended from wolves. This process is referred to as
artificial selection.
Lamarck’s ideas on evolution were adopted by some Russian scientists, including Michurin and Lysenko in Stalinist Russia. Their textbooks printed Lysenko’s assertions that a wheat plant could be made cold-hardy by conditioning in cold storage, or that workmen who develop strong muscles would produce children who were stronger. Which of the major premises of evolution by natural selection was violated?
Natural selection acts on variations that are already available in the population’s gene pool.
Most of Darwin’s observations about changes in species over time and in different environments took place in and near
south america
Darwin’s observation that there were Patagonian hares but no rabbits in South America would be considered ______________ evidence.
Darwin’s opinion that living forms must be descended from extinct forms was based on ________ evidence.
A line of evidence NOT considered by Darwin in his development of the theory of natural selection is
comparative biochemistry
evidence considered by Darwin in his development of the theory of natural selection is
comparative anatomy.
the fossil record.
The organisms on the Galápagos Islands that were most important to the development of Darwin’s theory of natural selection were
tortoises and finches.
Fossils like Archaeopteryx offer evidence linking
birds and dinosaurs.
What evidence would be studied by a biogeographer?
plate tectonics
amount of genetic similarity among current populations
ocean currents and wind patterns
ranges and migration patterns of animals
Homologous structures such as the bones in wings, flippers, and arms would be studied in the field of
comparative anatomy.
examples of natural selection
the distribution of dark and light colored peppered moths in Britain.
a rise in bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
the reduction in beak length of scarlet honeycreepers when they changed food sources.