Dark age and Archaic Art Flashcards
Proto Geometric…
Is the early Gemotric age starting in 950 to 850 BCE.
- it focuses on proto shapes (lines)
- it has a flow to it
-lacking figures
Geometric Art…
is the later Geometric art starting in 850 to 750 BCE.
- panaling emerging
- figural decoration emerging (focusing on shapes undiffined)
The Dark age…
The Dark age denotes a time period where writing disappeared. Art (pottery) continued but it was simplified. (1000- 750 BCE).
- this period emerges due to natural disasters and migration. We see a blip in time when society is not urbanized. Farmers farm to eat and live.
The Archaic Period…
What is this?
A pot by Exekias. Dated to 543 to 530.
- Moment between Ajax committing suicide.
-the placement of figures and body language brings eyes to the object.
What is this?
A pot by Exekias. Dated to 543 to 530.
- Moment between Achilles and Ajax.
- the figures body language is pointing to game.
- Achilles is dominating
What is this?
A pot by Exekias. Dated to 543 to 530.
- Moments between Achilles and Pentheilaes falling in love and her dying.
-lack of ability to show emotion but emotion showed anyways.
What is this?
A kylix by Exekias. Dated to 543- 530.
- the moment between Dionysus
- a thinking art. You are being warned well using it.
What is this?
The three revelers by Euthymides (515)
- tipsy men leaving a symposium
- the three different poses show a different perspective of body/ movement.
- Red figure
The earlier attic pot style where the figures are black and the background is red. It’s a process where a slip turns the figures black.
- a process of taking away paint for detail
- so fewer details
- Exekias pioneered this technique
The later attic pot style where the figures are red and the background is black. It’s a process where a slip is applied to the background.
- a process where you are using paint to add detail (additive)
-more details (better for 3D)
- Euthymides (perfect red figure)
What is this?
The Nobid Painter (450 BCE)
- showing 3D background through the placement of figures.
- they are on a hill.
White Ground…
A technique where you add a slip to the background and then paint it white.
What is a Panahelenic Amphora?
It is a specific Amphora painted for the Panahelenic Olympics and is by tradition always black figure.
Parian Marble
High-grade marble quarried from the Island Poros.
What is this?
A temple for Artemis was located on the island of Corfu and erected in 450 BCE.
- had sculpted features only on the Pediment. Also marks the introduction of this feature.
- Cluttered, no cohesive story.
- not sculpted in the round.
What is this?
The Siphnian Treasury. An absolute dating of 525 (known because of Heritious denoting the end of the minds in 559)
- sculpted metopes
- sculpted pediment
- sculpted Frieze
- sculpted columns
(seeing a cohesive narrative)
sculpted in the round
What is this?
Sculpted Freize from Siphnian Treasury (dated 525)
- Depicting a gigantomachy
What is the severe period?
The Sever Period denotes a period of time following the Persian war where human figures were depicted in a calm and collected manner. Lacking any Hubris.
- Charioteer of Delphi
Explain the Persian war and its outcome…
The Persian war was an un-winnable war that the Greeks preceded to win. They denote their success to the gods and due to that outcome the swear off hubris. (also sad cause lots of death and pain from it)
What is this?
The Charioteer of Delphi (478/74)
- A bronze statue
- Has features of the severe period
- Perfection even hidden parts are detailed to perfection
What is this?
Mourning Athena (480)- stylistic dating
- stele (for Athenian Warriors)
- or a boundary marking
(marked with civilian clothing, not depicted as a warrior)
- looking down
What is this?
Doryphoros by Polyceitus (440 BCE)
- a completed statue that used Polyceitus cannon (a book of mathematical proportions for making a perfect human)
- indicates the looking for perfection and the use of the means to find it and recreate it.
THE MOMENT BETWEEN… Achilles’ youth and maturity, activity, and nonactivity, fighting and not.
- sever = no emotion.
Olympia Temple of Zeus
- Temple was the first created after the Persian war.
- 6x13 but larger and more impressive
- Doric