Daphne and Apollo Flashcards
arx, arcis
citadel, hilltop, summit
arista, -ae
grain, kernel
innūptus, -a, -um
unwed, maiden
laedõ, laedere, laesī, laesus
to harm, hurt, wound
prosum, prodesse, prōfuī + dat.
to be of use, benefit help
+ infin. to be beneficial
collum, -ī (n)
flectō, flectere, flexī, flexus
to bend, curve; to turn
fors, fortis
chance, destiny
pendeō, pendēre, pependī
to be suspended, hang
absūmō, absūmere, absūmpsī, absūmptus
to use up; to wear out; exhaust
blandus, -a, -um
coaxing, flattering, enticing
moderātus, -a, -um
temperate, moderate, restrained; here, slow.
requiēs, requiētis, acc. usually requiem
rest, respite
tēlum, -ī
āversor, -ārī, ātus sum
to turn away from, reject
asper, aspera, asperum
rough, harsh, wild, uncultivated
penna, -ae
wing, feather
percutiō, percutere, percussī, percussus
to strike, beat, shake violently
intōnsus, -a, -um
uncut, unshorn
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessūrus
to go, proceed;
(+ dat.) to yield to, be inferior to
precor, -ārī, ātus sum
to pray for, beg
nūdus, -a, -um
naked, unadorned
tueor, tuērī, tuitus sum
observe, watch over, protect
cerva, -ae
doe, female deer
adoleō, adolēre, adoluī, adultus
to burn ritually, cremate, burn, destroy by fire
aemula, -ae
female rival
columba, -ae
dove, pigeon
nata, -ae
suffundō, suffundere, suffūndī, suffūsus
to pour on, to cover, to fill
arcus, arcūs
crīmen, crīminis
charge, accusation, crime
obtūsus, -a, -um
āvius, -a, -um
pathless, remote
horridus, -a, -um
rough, wild, uncouth
fax, facis
torch, flame of love
vōtum, -ī, (n)
vow, prayer, wish
verēcundus, -a, -um
modest, chaste
fallō, fallere, fefellī, falsus
to deceive, trick; to disappoint, bguile
Venus, Veneris
Venus, goddess of love
passus, -ūs
step, pace, stride
fuga, -ae
aquila, -ae
nūtriō, -īre, -īvī, -ītus
to feed at the breast, nourish, support
velox, velocis
rapid, swift
notō, -āre, -āvī, ātus
to mark, brand, scar; to notice; to inscribe
sentis, sentis
thorny bush, bramble, briar
stīpes, stīpitis
trunk of tree
gener, generī
crūs, crūris (n)
leg, shin
spargō, spargere, sparsī, sparsus
to scatter, strew
nūmen, numinis (n)
nod of assent, divine power, supernatural influence
tellūs, tellūris
land, earth
fulgeō, fulgēre, fulsī, fulsurus
to shine brightly, gleam
concordō, -āre, -āvī, -ātūrus
to harmonize, to be in harmony
pestiferus, -a, -um
pharetra, -ae
cortex, corticis
bark of tree
fera, -ae
wild animal, beast
nitor, nitōris
brightness, splendor, beauty
exōsus, -a, -um + acc.
hating, detesting
venter, ventris
belly, abdomen
opifer, opiferea, opiferum
bringing help, aiding
fīgō, fīgere, fīxī, fīxus
to drive in, insert; to pierce; to fix, press
tumidus, -a, -um
swollen; enraged, violent
asserō, asserere, asseruī, assertus
to lay claim to,
ops, opis
power, ability, resources; aid
bracchium, -ī
blanditia, -ae
cōnstō, cōstāre, cōnstitī, cōnstātūrus
to stand upon/firmly, take up a position
latebra, -ae
hiding place; refuge (often plural)
harundō, harundinis
reed, fishing rod, shaft of an arrow
cacūmen, cacūminis (n)
peak, top, treetop
decet, decēre, decuit
to adorn;
to be right for (+acc)
it is right, suitable (impers.)
irrītō, -āre, -āvī, ātus
to provoke; to excite, kindle
nervus, -ī
muscle, nerve; cord, string
coerceõ, -ēre, -uī, -itus
to restrain, confine, hold back
rēgia, -ae
palace, temple
ignarus, -a, -um
ignorant, unaware
lacertus, lacertī
levis, -is, -e
light; nimble; insubstantial; gentle
medulla, -ae
(usually plural) marrow of the bones
premõ, premere, pressī, pressus
to press, press upon ; to cover; to oppress
only recently, just now
Pēnēius, -a, -um
child of Peneus, river god
plumbum, -ī
umbrōsus, -a, -um
properō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus
to act with haste, hurry
nemus, nemoris (n)
woodland, forest, sacred grove
genitor, genitōris
father, creator
decor, decōris
beauty, grace, elegance, charm
serpēns, serpentis
snake, serpent
Dēlius, -ī
Apollo, the Delian,
brith on Aegean island of Delos
quisque, quaeque, quidque
comprēndō, comprēndere, comprēndī, comprēnsus
to seize, catch
exuviae, -ārum
armor, spoils, hide stripped from a beast
acūtus, -a, -um
sharp, pointed
sagittiferus, -a, -um
adversus, -a, -um
opposite to, facing
aer, aeris
impatiēns, impatientis + gen.
impatient/intolerant of
iugālis, -is, -e
matrimonial, nuptual
stipula, -ae
stalk of grain; stubble, straw
repugnō, -āre, āvī, ātus
to fight back, oppose
be inconsistent with + dat.
artus, -ūs
joint of body; arm, leg, limb
cornū, -ūs
animal’s horn
here, bow
resistō, resistere, restitī
to pause one’s journey, halt, stop
opus, operis
opus est + abl.
work, task; function, purpose
there is a need of (something)
inhibeō, -ēre, -uī, -itus
to restrain, hold back
aura, -ae
breeze, breath of air
obvius, -a, -um
in the way, opposing, oncoming
umerus, -ī
obsequor, obsequī, obsecūtus sum
to comply, obey
salūs, salūtis
safety, well-being
dēmō, dēmere, dēmpsī, dēmptus
to remove, take away, cut off
prōmō, prōmere, prōmpsī, prōmptus
to bring forth, pull out
praecordia, -orum (n) pl.
chest, breast
lascīvus, -a, -um
playful, naughty, mischievous
cuspis, cuspidis
sharp point, tip
prex, precis
entreaty, prayer
Phoebus, -ī
Phoebus, epithet of Apollo
nepõs, nepõtis
grandchild, descendant
dīversus, -a, -um
opposite, different, separate
morsus, -ūs
animal bite, teeth, jaws
fugō, fugāre, fugāvī, fugātus
to drive away, dispel, banish
nudō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus
to strip, expose
cōmō, cōmere, cōmpsī, cōmptus
to adorn, dress, arrange, comb
Cupīdo, Cupīdinis
Cupid, son of Venus, god of Love
armentum, -ī (n)
herd of cattle
iūgerum, -ī (n)
measure of land; pl. an expanse of land, fields, acres
trāiciō, trāicere, trāiēcī, trāiectus
to throw across, pierce, transfix
arvum, -ī (n)
adnuō, adnuere, adnuī, adnūtus
to becken, nod (assent)
aurātus, -a, -um
inhaereō, inhaerēre, inhaesī, inhaesūrus
to be attached to, cling to, hold onto with teeth
subiciō, subicere, subiēcī, subiectus
to cast upward; + dat. to place beneath, under the control of
gestāmen, gestāminis
something worn/carried on the body, equipment, ornament
ōcior, ōcior, ōcius
impiger, imipgra, impigrum
quick, swift
just as , just like, as if, as though
ūrō, ūrere, ussī, ustus
to destroy by fire, burn
immineō, imminere
to rise up, overhang, threaten, press closely
īnsequor, īnsequī, īnsecutus sum
to pursue, chase
indignus, -a, -um
unworthy of, not deserving to (inf.); innocent
agitō, -āre, -āvi, -ātus
to move, shake, stir
sternõ, sternere, strāvī, strātus
to lay out, spread; strike down, defeat
pompa, -ae
ceremonial procession
cervīx, cervīcis
the neck
saepēs, saepis
therefore, for that reason
rubor, robōris
pateō, patēre, patuī
to be open, visible, revealed
praeda, -ae
plunder, prey, game
liber, librī
inner bark of tree, book
Daphnē, Daphnēs
lūstrõ, -āre, āvī, -ātus
to wander through, roam
trepidō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus
to panic, tremble, quiver
stringō, stringere, strīnxī, strictus
to bind, secure, draw tight, touch
fruor, fruī, frūctus sum + abl.
to enjoy
foris, foris
door, entrance to building/room
frōns, frondis
quercus, -ūs
oak tree
expers, expertis + gen.
inexperienced with
rōstrum, -i-
snout, muzzle