Dante Test Flashcards
Ancient Greece
around 5th century BCE
Age of Reason
The Middle Ages/ The Medieval Period
- “Dark Ages” Early Middle Ages 500-1000 CE “Romanesque”
- Late Middle Ages 1000-1500CE “Gothic”
- Renaissance “Rebirth” 1500 CE
- Age of Faith
- Dante’s Inferno 1320
The Divine Comedy
By Dante Alighieri (Italian)
1265-1321 (very late middle ages)
“The Way Up Is The Way Down”
“The Way Up Is The Way Down”
Heraclitus (can’t step in same river twice/ everything flows) - suffer before wisdom
Why is The Divine Comedy genius?
- Italian Homer
- 14,000 lines, strict rhyme scheme
- what it means to be human - temptation/ struggles
- analogous to life
- often referred to/ quoted/ copied
“Abandon all hope ye who enter” - Canto III
- on gates of Hell
- you had choice so no mercy
Who was Dante?
- Italian poet from Florence
- 1265-1321
- His greatest work The Divine Comedy
- One of the greatest masterpieces in World Literature
What makes The Divine Comedy so extraordinary?
- Incorporated Greek/ Roman mythology, math, astronomy/ science, Greek/ Roman philosophy
- Universal Struggle
- Sacred Three
- “Terza rima” Rhyme Scheme
Universal Struggle
Our struggled as well as Dante’s struggled for salvation in a world of temptation
Sacred Three
- Inferno = 33 canti + 1 Introduction (cantos)
- Purgatory = 33 canti
- Paradise = 33 canti
Total = 100 canti/ chapters
“Terza rima” Rhyme Scheme
- aba, bcb, cdc
- all 14,000+ lines
- word choice was perfect - why it’s so difficult to translate
- Translator either maintains the rhyme scheme or focuses on the content - both are very difficult to do well
Dante’s Contributions
- Wrote in the language of the people - Italian not Latin
- Created over 100 words - invented from Latin now a part of modern Italian
- Controversy with the church
Wrote in the language of the people - Italian not Latin
- (IN DEFENSE OF THE VULGAR - vulgar meaning spoken tongue)
- 1930s - no national language- Mussolini makes Italian national language - sense of national pride
Controversy with the church
- Hegemony over people
- Church concerned that Dante chose Virgil, a virtuous pagan, to be one of his central guides
- Responsible for bringing REASON to Dante’s world
- Church concerned that more people could read Dante’s work than the Bible - minimize the role/ influence of church
First Time Readers
- Enjoy narrative (story)
- Read it again and again
- Takes a lifetime and still allusions are difficult to understand
- Many levels
- Literal - theme of journey/ odyssey
- Metaphorical
- Moral
- Mystical
- Symbolically redemption of ALL humankind
What is The Divine Comedy?
- 14,000 lines - written in first person
- Complex
- Opens night before Good Friday in 13000
- Concludes the following Thursday
- Journey of redemption in 7 days
- Takes place during church’s most sacred time of year - death/ resurrection of Jesus Christ
- INFERNO (first part) - takes place from Thursday to Easter
Three Guides
- Virgil - guide through Hell
- Beatrice
- St. Bernard
Roman poet in Hell and up to Mt. Purgatory
- Represents light of natural reason - without divine inspiration (before Christ)
- Virgil - it was believed he foretold the birth of Christ
- Ideal woman for Dante - takes him through Paradise
- Plays most powerful role - represented pure love, unrequited love
- “Virgin Mary”
- Sends Virgil to Dante, so he can reach salvation in Heaven
St. Bernard
- Another guide in Paradise
- Monk and writer - admired by Dante
- Man of words; eloquent (politically)
- Aligned with Dante’s view about role of church
- Spoke out against fraud in the papacy
Why is it called a Comedy?
- Originally called “The Comedy” (“la Commedia”
- Boccaccio - writer later added Divine to honor Dante
- Begins TRAGICALLY, but ends HAPPILY (opposite of tragedy)
- Written in vernacular (Italian) - the language of “low” comedy as opposed to “high tragedy”
What do I need to know about Dante’s life?
- Personal life and writing greatly influenced by politics of late 13th Century Florence
Power Struggle
White Party (Dante’s) vs. Black Party
- White = supported independence of Florence from strict papal (and Roman) control
- Black = willing to work with Pope in order to restore power
- By 1301 - Blacks (Pope Boniface - put him in Hell) were in control and as a leader of the White Party - Dante was exiled (sentenced to death - ran/ exiled)
Dante’s Solution
- To write THE INFERNO (1307-1314)
- Pope Boniface + other characters in Dante’s life are placed in Hell
- Hell to Dante - state of world as seen by an exile whose experience has taught him no longer to trust world’s values
Time Frame
Dante’s writes THE INFERNO in 1312
Sets THE INFERNO in 1300
- So, he allows his characters to speak “prophetically” about “what is to come”
- Not contrapposto
- Punishment fits the crime
- Rigid system of Divine justice
- Expression of Dante’s faith
- Justice
- Power
- Love
- Wisdom
Dante’s Characters = Human
- Struggle with their own sin = INFERNO
- Long to be freed from it = PURGATORY
- Can envision divine embrace = PARADISE
Relevance to Today
Our world is different than 14th Century
- Human progress
- Renaissance
- Enlightenment
- Industrial, Scientific, Technological Revolutions
- All this has given us potential to use what we have for the greater good
- Still have
- political intrigue
- betrayal among politicians
- war
- violence
- dishonest business practices
- loss of faith in time-honored institutions
- Renders us vulnerable to forces of evil
The Goal
- To remove those living in this life from the state of misery and lead them to the state of happiness
- From Maturity to Innocence
Sins for vestibule, limbo, and 4 levels
Vestibule = apathetic Circle I (Limbo) = unbaptized infants and virtuous pagans Circle II - V = sins of incontinence ( lack of self- control) Circle VI = sins of violence Circle VII (malebolge) = simple deceit Circle IX = treachery
Hell’s Shape
Cone shape
- Satan’s fall onto Earth
- ease of sin - give in to gravity
- easy to fall, hard to climb/ recover
- losing control = opening/ gateway
- “slippery slope”
- Top - common/ bigger/ lost control - all but some loose control
- 3 sided: God/ Jesus/ Spirit - inverted/ perversion of “holy triangle”
Passage/ hall antechamber between outer door and interior parts of house or building
A region on border of hell o heaven, serving as the abode after death of unbaptized infants and the righteous who died before the coming of Christ
Placement of Apathetic
Dante put apathetic, unbaptized infants, and virtuous pagans here, because it is of no fault of their own
“Virtuous pagan” = oxymoron?
“Virtuous pagan” is not an oxymoron, because you can live a good life without knowing about Christ
4 levels of sin
The 4 levels of hell from top to bottom are sin of incontinence, sin of violence, simple deceit, and treachery
- less will - chose wrong until lost choice
Lacking in moderation or self- control, especially of sexual desire
Ex. lust/ gluttony
Rough or injurious physical force, action, or treatment
Ex. suicide/ murder
The act or practice of deceiving; concealment or distortion of the truth for the purpose of misleading; duplicity; fraud; cheating
Ex. flattery/ hypocrisy
Violence of faith; betrayal of truth; treason
Ex. defectors/ back stabbers (full choice)
Incontinence- first level?
- most innate
- triggered by almost purely overindulged survival instinct
- losing control = gateway
Violence - second level?
- more of a choice
- triggered by heat of memories (revenge/ avenge = survival)
Fraud > Violence
Fraud - more of a thought out decision process - takes more intelligence - more personal - intent Violence - animal instinct - intention, pre-decided, break trust - clear intensions, not always pre-meditated
Treachery = worst sinner
- deceit against those who trusted/ depended on you
- owe more than you could pay
- intentional to those who love/ trust you
- hurt many who trusted you
Overall mention of hell
- less innate sin = more terrible consequences
- sin against trust = worst sin
Purgatory’s shape
Triangle/ mountain (wedding cake)
- mountain/ upward facing triangle
- “p” on forehead cleaned off w/ cleaning of dirty soul
- climb way out of sin- cleansing yourself