Dante’s Inferno Flashcards
(Slide 2) The Basics to know
- Written by Dante Alighieri
- Part 1 of the Divine Comedy & follow Dante and Virgil
- CONTENT WARNING (Gore and scary)
(Slide 3) How Dante’s Hell works
- 9 layers with progressively worse sins. going towards the centre of the earth
- This is all fair according to God, (follow character development)
- Greek Minos judges your life and send you to your respective layer
(Slide 4) Prelude
- Wakes in dark wood… climbs mountain… attacked by lion, wolf and leopard
- Virgil sais Beatrice sent him… under order of God, the Virgin Mary, Saint Lucia, and Rachel.
- The only way to get up the cliff is when “one day, the greyhound comes to chase the wolves away”… Judgment Day
- They arrive at the gates of hell where inscription read “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here”
(Slide 5) Upon Entering
- cries and screams
- Outcasts are Stung by wasp as worms drink blood tears and pus, cursed to eternal meaningless suffering…doomed to chase unreachable black flag, symbolic of life wasted on no heavenly pursuit.
- River Acheron, must cross to get into Hell. Charon rises with a boat
(Slide 6) Layer 1: Limbo
- Those who were good, but lived before Jesus…. After those who refused choice, come those without opportunity of choice
- limbo is just like earth except perpetual sighing with no passion/ hope and eternal boredom
- When Jesus died, he came to Limbo to bring back Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, etc
(Slide 7) Layer 2: Lust
- People live in violent thrashing hurricane winds… just like they lived being blown around by love
- Achilles (Greek hero), Cleopatra (she slept with a bunch of leaders to get what she wanted, and she helped tear the Roman Empire apart)
- Dante passes out and he wakes up in the next layer
(Slide 8) Layer 3: Gluttony
- people who eat more than their ration/ need
- pelted by rain and hail & torn up by Cerberus
- Character development
- lay in a half eaten state until judgement day… Virgil says that their suffering will be perfect
- also learn souls can only see past and future of earth, never present
(Slide 9) Layer 4: Greed
- people who hordes money
- sea of violent human waves crashing into each other
- massive money bag they fight over and beat each other up with
- Dante asks Virgil if he’d know anyone down here… Vigil says you wouldn’t recognize them cuz their faces are caved in and bodies are broken
(Slide 10) Layer 5: Wrath
- They come to the edge of a mud broth full of naked people fighting & pushing each other under
- This is for the mean/ angry people go. Forever cursed to bully each other
- They hop on a boat to cross… someone pushes himself up and talks to Dante… Vigil shoves him back down… people laugh at him… he’s so humiliated he bites chucks of skin off himself.
- the boat (driven by Flagus) is leading towards the City of Dis
(Slide 11) City of Dis
- active torture begins
- demons at the gates refuse to let Dante in
- Medusa comes out… if you’re turned to some here, you’ll be stuck for forever
- Angel let’s him in… Dante is relieved to know that God is watching over him on this scary journey
(Slide 12) Layer 6: Heresy
- strained people away from God/ truth…..
- doomed to lay in burning rock tombs as demons watch
- king Fredrick II on emperor side during pope vs emperor war… Epicurus told followers there’s no afterlife
- as they keep walking, this NASTY smell comes around and we learn layer 789 are subdivided
( Slide 13) Layer 7: Violence (subdiv 1)
- people who commit violence against others
- bath in River of boiling blood… centaurs shoot arrows at crawlers… the deeper the River, the worse the crime
- They wallowed in blood in life, so doomed to boil in it for eternity
- Alexander the Great (killed ppl for glory)…. Attila the Hun (Roms greatest challenger)
- they ride on Nessus’ back to 2nd subdiv
( Slide 14) layer 7: Violence (subdiv 2)
- suicide forest… thorny, frail, dead trees, being fed upon by harpies
- they refused life, so they remain in a dead and withered state… They’re the image of the self-hatred which dries up the very sap of energy and makes all life.
- Judgment day, they’ll be left to hang where they did so irl
- ## Dante snaps off a branch, and two men are ravaged by dogs
( Slide 15) Layer 7: Violence (subdiv 3)
- violence upon God/ Nature (beastiality/ gays)
- walk of hot sand as it rains fire…. If you stop your stuck for 100 years
- Dante’s teacher is hear, rumoured to be gay… put Dante’s priorities into place, altho he feels bad
- loan sharks are down here (charge high interest) cuz it’s a sin against nature
- they get to a waterfall where a griffin takes them down
(Slide 16) Layer 8: Fraud (1&2)
- Layer of fraud is organized by 10 CONCENTRIC trenches, each concerning a subdivision
—Fraud 1: Deceiving Love
- human traffickers, cheaters, etc
- Dante comes across a brother who sold his sister to a lustful man…. And a man who abandoned his pregnant wife
- eternity of sprinting and whipping
Fraud 2: lyres/ deceptive speakers - those who lie to get what they want
- swim in poop with sores and infection
(Slide 17) Layer 8: Fraud (3&4)
Fraud 3: Simonis (selling sacred goods)
- get out of purgatory cards, pardon slips (permission to sin), locks of Jesus hair, etc
- floor is hot coal, you can burrow into holes and leave your feet out…. But these are people tubes…………. You get in and just slip down until more people get into the hole
- pope Nickolas III Said “give me your money and I’ll send your family to heaven” scam… Dante berates him, says he deserves it. This is important to character development
Fraud 4: Sorcery and witches
- they walk with their heads backward, so they can never see ahead of them again
- Dante is disturbed
(Slide 18) Layer 8: Fraud (5&6)
Trench 5: Bearters (exchange money for political power
- boiling pot of tar… Dante watches one man thrown in and pushed under by the other demons
- sticky tar represent sticky fingers and dirty secrets from their corrupt deals
- One man gets out of the tar and hiss under rocks, he’ll pulled out, Dante tries to speak but the guy get an organ stabbed out
- the demons all this time are bullying, saying “what if we throw you in ahahahaha”
Trench 6: Hypocrites
- weighed down by heavy robes, pretty out, nasty in.
- Walk over Caiaphas (Jesus killer)
(Slide 19) Layer 8: Fraud (7&8)
Trench 7: Thievery
- snake lizard hybrids with stingers that turn u to ash and back again
- man who confessed to stealing from church is here
Trench 8: Evil leaders, lead people to death
- These people are forever on fire
- not people who gave false advice, but people who used their position to advise others to engage in fraud
(Slide 20) Layer 8: Fraud (9&10)
Trench 9: Sowers of discord (purposefully caused trouble)
- live in a sea of dismembered parts
- Muhammad (Islam) body is ripped from groin to chin, with his entrails hanging out… (Dante thought Muhammad split Christianity, ppl left for Islam)
- Bertrand carries his head since he cause a fight between Henry II (king England) and the Prince, Henry…. his punishment is decapitation, since dividing father and son is like severing the head from the body
Trench 10: liars and falsifiers
- It’s ouch black with diseases worse than anything on earth
- Scabs that make you look like a fish… One man is so bloated and green he is so thirsty but can never drink
(Slide 21) The Border of Layer 9: Treason
- A ring of giants line the hole that leads down to the final layer…. One the giants lower them down onto a frozen lake
- Frozen because Satans wings create a breeze that froze earth core.
- There are heads of sinners sticking out of the ice…. The sin of treachery is pure denials of love and of all human warmth…
- They walk towards the centre of the lake, where Satan will be found
(Slide 22) Layer 9: Treason (1&2)
Treason sub unit 1: Family treason
- least worse cuz you didn’t pick your family
- two brothers with hair tangled and forgeas touching…. They suicided irl and left family behind in trouble
Treason sub unit 2: country/ homeland treason
- Sees a royal count whos eating the back of an archbishops head…. The archbishop had imprisoned him and his sons, leading to the count cannibalising his sons.
- these men are from Piza and Dante hates Piza cuz it’s not Florence
(Slide 23) Layer 9: Treason (3)
Treason sub unit 3: betrayal of guests and friends
- frozen facing up, so tears freeze and create a mask
- Dante finds an acquaintance, promised to help of he tells his story… he invited ppl over killed them… Dante dose not help and calls his torture just
- learn that if you commit a sin worthy of layer 9 residence, your soul is sucked straight down and your body is possessed by a demon
- character development for Dante as he comes to conclusion this is all fair and he’s glad these ppl are suffering
(Slide 24) Layer 9: Treason (4)
Treason sub unit 4: betrayal to God
- GIANT Lucifer lives here
- 3 heads, R: black, C: Red, L: yellow… all 3 heads cry blood that create blood river (Violence Layer 7)
- 4 people in this sub unit…
1) Lucifer—betraying god and humanity2&3) Brutus & Cassius—Killing Caesar & leading to Collapse of Roman Empire … in the L and R head, have their legs dangling out while Lucifer scratches them 4) Judas—Betraying Jesus and leading to being crucified… forever chewed on by the centre head………. Dante can see his spine cuz no more flesh ——— Judas accepted 30 silver pieces to kiss Jesus hence identifying him to Roman soldiers ( returns the bribe and kills himself from guilt)
(Slide 25) Dante & Virgil’s Escape from Hell