Danish Verbs III Flashcards
at ansætte
to employ
at bage
to bake
at angribe
to attack
at adskille sig
to differ (from)
at bedrage
to deceive
at begrave
to bury
at behandle
to treat
at bede
to ask for, pray
at befale
to command
at begrænse
to limit
at fortjene
to deserve
at fortryde
to regret
at fortsætte
to continue
at forvirre
to confuse
at fremhæve
to emphasize
at fremstå
to appear
at fylde
to fill
at gabe
to yawn
at genkende
to recognize
at gennemføre
to carry through
at gennemgå
to go through
at gifte
to marry
at genopbygge
to rebuild
at gentage
to repeat
at gide
to feel like
at godkende
to approve
at græde
to weep, cry
at hakke
to chop
at helbrede
to cure
at hilse
to greet
at holde op
to cease, stop
at hviske
to whisper
at hænge
to hang
at invitere
to invite
at inkludere
to include
at justere
to adjust
at jage
to hunt, chase
at klage
to complain
at klemme
to squeeze
at klø
to itch
at kollidere
to crash
at gløde
to glow
at hilse
to greet
at henvise
to refer
at holde
to last, hold
at hæve
to raise (money); withdraw (money)
at kæmpe
to fight, struggle
at komme tilbage
to return, come back
at komme ind
to enter
at komme an på
to depend (on something)