danger signs (P1) Flashcards
what are the danger signs for headache
deficits, drowsy/ams, unequal pupil, giddy
photophobia, vomiting (incessant), worst/thunderclap
fever/neck stiffness/non-blanching rash
hypertension/hazy cornea/BOV
what are the danger signs for giddiness/vertigo
angina, arrhythmia, hypotension, hypertension
unilateral weakness, slurred speech, facial droop
deficits, drowsy/ams, unequal pupils, headache (severe), photophobia, vomit (incessant), diplopia
fever/neck stiffness/non-blanching rash
what are the danger signs for syncope
angina, arrhythmias, hypotension
dehydration (blood/fluid), severe abdominal pain
deficits, severe headache
gas inhalation
what are the danger signs for seizure
active, 1st time, >=2 in 24h (recurrent), >30min (status epilepticus), <= 72h post-HI
deficits, drowsy, unequal pupils
fever/neck stiffness/non-blanching rash
what are the danger signs for AMS
angina, arrhythmias, hypotension
deficits, drowsy, severe headache
hypoxia (AI/poisoning)
what are the danger signs for chest pain
sob, pallor, angina (neck, epigastric), arrhythmias, diaphoresis, edema
unequal breath sounds, tracheal deviation
hemoptysis, cyanosis, wheeze
what are the danger signs for palpitations
angina, hypotension, sob, pallor, arrhythmias, diaphoresis, edema
giddy, drowsy, seizure, syncope
what are the danger signs for breathlessness
chest pain, cyanosis, anasarca, angioedema, decreased effort tolerance
hemoptysis, face/neck edema, desaturation, respiratory distress
what are the danger signs for haemoptysis
large clots (>50ml/episode), tachycardia, hypotension, pallor
chest pain, sob, edema, desaturation, respiratory distress, hypoxia
giddy, drowsy
what are the danger signs for diarrhoea/vomiting
BGIT/incessant vomiting > skin tenting, hypotension, arrhythmias, pallor
abdominal bruising/distension/guarding/tenderness, jaundice, no flatus/stool
what are the danger signs for GIB
weak, pallor
severe abdo pain, abdominal bruising/guarding/tenderness/mass, jaundice
what are the danger signs for fever
unstable vitals, toxic
hypotension, edema, anemia
giddy, drowsy, seizure, headache
tachypnea, cyanosis
jaundice, vomit
non-blanching rash, mucosal membrane involvement (skin lesions)
what are the danger signs for all abdo pain (OB/GYN included)
anemia, active/sig. GI/PV bleeding, bruising, cyanosis, dehydration > diarrhoea/vomit, edema, hypotension, pallor
severe abdominal pain, toxic, abdominal distension/guarding/tenderness/mass, jaundice, no flatus/stool
UPT +, delayed LMP
decreased fetal movement, no fetal heart sound
what are the danger signs for RTA (both)
ABCD compromise
seatbelt/lapbelt/handlebar sx
trauma activate: arrest en-route, crush injury to torso, co-occupant death, ejection/flung, FFH > 3m, penetrating injury to head/face, neck, torso, vascular injury to limbs | airway threat/intubated, SBP<90, GCS<12, flail chest, major pelvic injury, multi region injury (>=2), FAST+, pregnant + arrest
what are the danger signs for head trauma
A/B: c-spine injury (nexus)
C: shock
D: severe headache, persistent vomiting, diplopia, drowsiness, basilar skull fracture (+ open/depressed skull), unequal pupils, lateralising signs (+ focal deficits), LOC, seizures, slurred speech
what are the danger signs for neck trauma
A: swallowing difficulties, speech changes, swelling, stridor, ligatures, tracheal deviation, cord injury (abnormal breathing patterns; trunk/limb weakness/numbness; priapism), nexus criteria
B: respi distress, dyspnoea
D: severe (throat) pain, neck ache, weakness/numbness, unconscious
MOI: trauma activation criteria, direct trauma, head/face injuries
what are the danger signs for chest trauma
A: tracheal deviation
B: respi distress, hypoxia, sob
C: hemoptysis, shock, distended jugulars
D: severe chest pain, deformities, abnormal chest movement, open/penetrating wound
MOI: trauma activation criteria, significant force, seatbelt sx
what are the danger signs for abdominal trauma
A/B: respi distress
C: shock, hematuria, vomit
D: abdominal pain/tenderness/guarding
MOI: trauma activation criteria, penetrating wound, seatbelt/handlebar sx
↑ IOS: hypotension, severe pain, drowsy, uncooperative
what are the danger signs for pelvic trauma
C: shock (hypotension, tachycardia), bleed (urethra/vagina/rectum)
D: GCS<15 (r/t shock), abdo pain, pelvis/groin/perineum (deformity/bruise/swell), hip dislocation
OTH: immobility, ARU
what are the danger signs for spine trauma
A: sx of cord injury, ?vertebral #
B/C: sx of high spinal cord injury - ↑ T6
- poor inspiratory effort r/t diaphragmatic/ intercostal paralysis
- neurogenic shock: hypotension, bradycardia, warm peripheries
D: unable to assess r/t AMS, severe pain, NL deficits, sx of external back injury (bruise/swelling/?steps/crepitus)
MOI: penetrating/ deformities
what are the danger signs for limb trauma
A/B: respi distress
C: (hemorrhagic) shock, crush syndrome, fat embolism, uncontrollable bleeds from major vessel/artery
D: ischemic limb, severe pain despite immobilisation/ analgesia; on passive stretching, severe crush injuries, neurovascular compromise/ compartment syndrome (pain, paraesthesia, pulse, pallor, paralysis, poikilothermia), open fractures > hemorrhagic shock, traumatic amputation
specific injuries: hip/knee/ankle dislocation; femoral shaft fracture
what are the danger signs for burns
A/B: (thermal) inhalation injuries
- burns to face/mouth
- cough
- drooling + dysphagia
- hypoxia
- respiratory distress
- soot in nostril/sputum
- singed hair
- stridor
- hoarse/sore voice
C: electric burns
- cardiac arrest
- arrhythmia
- seizures
- fall
- nerve injury
- cutaneous wounds
- AMS/↓GCS/ drowsy
- eschar: respiratory (chest)/NV (limbs) compromise
- major burns
- blast injuries
- hydrofluoric acid burns
age: infants/neonates, geriatric, pregnant
location: face, eyes, ears, hands, feet, genitals, joints
what are the danger signs for poisoning
A/B: acute inhalation injuries
- cough
- rhinorrhea
- sob
- kussmaul’s breathing
C: arrhythmias
D: confusion/ convulsion/coma
what are the danger signs for eye complaints
GEN: severe headache/vomiting, fever, weakness
CRAO: sudden painless unilateral LOV onset <4.5h ago + unreactive pupils
orbital cellulitis: redness, swelling with pain upon eye movement, diplopia, LOV +/- unequal pupils
alkali/penetrating injury
acute glaucoma: painful BOV, hazy cornea, HTN, headache + unreactive pupils
globe injury: painful LOV/BOV, diplopia, hazy cornea, teardrop sx, laceration
P3: no/progressive LOV, conjunctivitis/ conjunctival laceration, min. eye pain
what are the danger signs for ear
basilar skull #
severe pain + vomiting/vertigo /can’t stand
infection: fever, neck stiffness, non-blanching rash, lymphadenopathy
penetrating trauma
what are the danger signs for nose
torrential bleeding
basilar skull #
open/clearly displaced #
what are the danger signs for throat and mouth
airway obstruction: stridor, swallowing difficulty + drooling, hoarse voice, respi distress
penetrating trauma
what are the danger signs for dental
torrential bleeding, hypotensive, drowsy > evaluate head/neck injuries
what are the danger signs for pv bleed (obstetrics)
GEN: toxic, pale, weak, dehydrated, severe pain
CVS: ongoing bleed
GI: abdominal tenderness/ guarding
OBS: decreased fetal movement/ absent fetal heart sounds
what are the danger signs for pre-eclampsia
D: drowsy, seizure, severe pain
OBS: absent fetal heart sounds
what are the danger signs for pv bleed (non-pregnant)
GEN: toxic, anemic, cyanotic, dehydrated, edematous, jaundiced, pale
ongoing bleed
severe pain
abdominal tenderness/ guarding
what are the danger signs for paeds
P2: stable vitals, 3 mo + T 38.5, NAI, well after spontaneous resolution of febrile seizures, all burns except >10% or sensitive areas
P3: stable vitals 3 mo + T < 38.5
what are the danger signs for psychiatry
ABCD compromise
violent/hysterical behaviour