Dance Y09 Spr1 Flashcards
1.1 posture
the way the body is held
1.2 alignment
correct placement of body parts in relation to each other
1.3 balance
a steady or held position achieved by an even distribution of weight
1.4 co-ordination
the efficient combination of body parts
1.5 control
the ability to start and stop movement, change direction and hold a shape efficiently
1.6 flexibility
the range of movement in the joints (involving muscles, tendons and ligaments)
1.7 mobility
the range of movement in a joint; the ability to move fluently from action to action
1.8 strength
muscular power
1.9 stamina
ability to maintain physical and mental energy over periods of time
1.1 extension
lengthening one or more muscles or limbs
1.11 isolation
an independent movement of part of the body
2.1 projection
the energy the dancer uses to connect with and draw in the audience
2.2 focus
use of the eyes to enhance performance or interpretative qualities
2.3 spatial awareness
consciousness of the surrounding space and its effective use
2.4 facial expression
use of the face to show mood, meaning or character
2.5 phrasing
the way in which energy is distributed in the execution of a movement phrase
2.6 sensitivity to other dancers
awareness of and connection to other dancers
2.7 communication of choreographic intent
portraying the aim of the dance including mood(s), meaning(s), idea(s), theme(s) and/or style/style fusion(s)
3.1 warm up
prepares body for exercise. Increases heart rate and therefore blood flow which warms muscles. Prepares mind for exercise. To prevent injury. Stages of warm up – pulse raising (increase heart rate), stretching (lengthening muscle, tendons), mobilising (movement of joints and ligaments), technique/conditioning (specific exercises to enhance physical skills).
3.2 cool down
prepares body for stopping exercise. Decreases injury or muscle soreness. Lowers heart rate. Stages of cool down – gentle stretches and breathing exercises.
3.3 nutrition
intake of correct nutrients to allow for healthy body function. Vitamins ensure body’s chemical processes are working efficiently. Fibre allows removal of waste products. Carbohydrates provide long term energy. Protein aids muscle and bone growth and repair. Fat helps with energy as does sugar, although these should be taken in small amounts.
3.4 hydration
sufficient intake of fluids to ensure body can sweat to maintain temperature and not overheat. Replace water and minerals lost through sweating to prevent cramp brought on by build-up of lactic acid.
3.5 injury management
R – I – C – E
Rest – prevents further injury and allows recovery to begin: Ice- reduces swelling, reduces pain and decreases blood supply to area reducing bruising: Compression – provides support and reduces swelling: Elevation – prevents pooling of blood and other fluids to reduce swelling. Finally refer to medical expert for diagnosis and treatment.
4.1 appropriate dance wear
footwear linked to dance style, no jewellery, hair tied back and outfit that allows for movement but does not get in the way
4.2 in and out of floor
bend the knees to lower centre of gravity and use hand/s to support body weight to reduce knee or hip injury
4.3 elevating and lifting
bend knees to provide leverage
4.4 landing
bend knees to help absorb impact and roll through the feet to prevent injury to Achilles tendon
4.5 turn out
ensure this is from hip to prevent knee injury
4.6 plie or bending knees
ensure knee over toe to prevent knee twist injury
4.7 alignment
ensure correct alignment of body, arms and legs to prevent joint strain
5.1 actions
what – travel, turn, elevation, gesture, stillness, use of different body parts, floor work and transfer of weight
5.2 dynamics
how – speed, energy, flow (fast, heavy, smooth)
5.3 space
where – pathways, levels, direction, size of movement, patterns, spatial design
5.4 relationship
with – lead & follow, mirroring, action & reaction, accumulation, complement & contrast, counterpoint, contact, formations
6.1 binary
a composition in 2 parts or sections (A B)
6.2 ternary
a composition in 3 parts or sections (A B A)
6.3 rondo
a form with alternating and repeating sections, like a verse and chorus (A B C B D B)
6.4 narrative
dance that tells a story
6.5 episodic
a choreography with several sections linked by a theme
6.6 beginning/middle/end
each dance should have a clear beginning/middle/end
6.7 unity
a sense of “wholeness” or harmony
6.8 logical sequence
the flow of phrases or sections of a dance
6.9 transitions
links between dance phrases or sections
7.1 motif
a movement phrase encapsulating an idea that is repeated and developed throughout the dance
7.2 motif development
ways in which a movement phrase can be varied
7.3 repetition
performing the same action or phrase again
7.4 contrast
movements or shapes that have nothing in common
7.5 highlights
important moments of a dance
7.6 climax
the most significant moment of a dance
7.7 manipulation of number
how the number of dancers in a group is used
7.8 unison
two or more dancers performing the same movement at the same time
7.9 canon
when the same movements overlap in time
7.1 fragmentation
use of parts of a phrase or motif
7.11 retrograde
reversing a movement phrase