Dance Flashcards
it focuses primarily on “an aesthetic or even entertaining experience”
an activity which can take many forms and fill many different needs. It can be recreational, entertainment, education, therapy, and religion.
It was used as a way of expressing and reinforcing tribal unity and strength, as an approach for courtship and mating, and as means of worship, communication, and therapeutic experience.
prehistoric past
era that the real knowledge of dance came about within the great Mediterranean and Middle Eastern civilization. Most of the dances during this era were chiefly a medium of religious expression.
pre-Christian era
Dance became full blown and was richly recorded in___
ancient Egypt
dancing was taught as an aid to military education among boys in Athens and Sparta. It was not just for religious and military training but also form of entertainment and display.
ancient Greeks
it gave less importance to dancing. It stopped valuing such qualities in art as nation grew wealthy and powerful.
ancient Rome
develops cardiovascular and muscular endurance, improves coordination, balance, flexibility, and body composition, lowers risk of cardiovascular diseases, lowers resting heart rate, lowers body mass index, improves lipid metabolism, enables joint mobility (hip motion and spine flexibility), helps improve and maintains bone density, thus helps prevent osteoporosis, and helps recover coordination and neuromuscular skills after injury.
Physical benefit
it helps to function the mind and behavior of one person. Among of its benefits are as follows; helps keep the brain sharp, decreases incidence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, decreases depressive symptoms, increases self-esteem and improve body image, and aids in releasing emotional and physical tension.
Mental/Emotional benefit
plays a significant role as we want to preserve our culture and tradition that promotes cultural values. Dance promotes a place or a country’s rich culture through showcasing the different cultural dances. It is through looking at the different dances of other countries as one see the value of one’s culture.
Cultural benefit
Dance provides a unique opportunity for meaningful group involvement as it encourage intense, positive social interaction and interpersonal relationship in working group.
Social benefit
You cannot say that in performing physical activity, you do not have time because you always have a time.
I do not have time
Always remember that in terms of work-outs or exercises, you are planning and scheduling where to give more efforts and less efforts for physical activity. Also, you must understand FITT principle because it is the best planning technique that you can apply in your physical fitness program.
I am always tired
You cannot say that you do not know how because you can actually search on the internet the steps and procedure in performing physical activity. Reading journals and articles, and asking other who have been successful at adopting healthy behavior may also be helpful.
I don’t know how
Money is not a problem at all. There are lots of DIY (do-it-yourself) activity that can possibly help you perform physical activity. In dancing, you don’t need to have expensive clothes, shoes and accessories because music and preparedness of yourself are good enough to perform.
I don’t have enough money.
Always remember that you are not alone. Most of the time, your friends and family are there to support and help you achieve your goal. You may also join in different clubs or organizations that have the same interest about physical activity. Aside from that, you can also seek support from fitness coaches or athletes.
I do not feel support.
In terms of dancing and performing other physical activity, self-discipline is very important because it will help you achieve your goal. For you to achieve willpower, you must do a reward system like treating yourself to buy something such as new shoes.
I lack willpower.