Dairy farm management: types of systems Flashcards
What is the holding lot?
Where cows are held right before they go into the barn to be milked
Describe stanchion barns
Cows are milked where they live
- where they stand, are fed, are milked
- not great for heat detection
- very few of these still in existence- very small dairies may still operate this way
What is the approximate price of milking parlors?
Approximately 750,000-1,000,000$ for a double 12 with everything
-sized to be in usage 22 hours out of the day- closed for 2 hours to wash everything
How much do robotic milkers cost?
250,000 per unit
How many hours a day do we want cows to be lying down?
10-12 hours a day at a minimum
What is the maximum amount of time that cows should be held in a holding lot?
1 hour
What is the drawback to milking parlors?
Impossible to add more cows unless you build another parlor, once the first parlor is maximized
-the only way to get more money in these systems is to make more milk
Describe how milk is an inelastic system
When the supply of milk goes up, the price goes down and vice versa
How many cows can a double 12 size milking parlor handle?
1000-1200 cows milking 3X/day
What is the ideal amount of time that each cow should spend in the parlor?
Around 15 minutes/turn
-aka 4 turns an hour for maximum efficiency
In order for some farmers to have a work life balance, especially in family run operations, what is the solution?
An oversized parlor not operated 24 hours a day
- cuts down on hired labor costs
Particularly common for grazing dairies
How many cows can a 50 cow rotary milk?
2200-2400 cows 3X/day
What is the main concern with rotary parlors?
When they break down, this has major consequences
- the entire schedule is thrown off and there is no window to make it up
What are some of the main features of robotic dairies?
-each robot can handle 60-65 cows
-robotic dairy is essentially prepaying for future labor costs
-must have a management level employee that likes computers and is good with cows
-works well for someone who likes being around cows but doesnt like to milk
-only way to increase income is by increasing milk production (high input dairies that require high outputs)
What are the first 2 limiting factors to milk production on dairy farms?
Forage quality and cow comfort