Daily Buds Discussion Flashcards
Help recognize an alteration in fluid balance which could indicate a serious problem.
Child with diarrhea should not resume lessons until it has been resolved for
48 hours
Cancel lesson if child has not had a BM in _____.
3 days
BUDS stands for:
Check if urine output was normal within _____.
Hour of the last lesson
Why do we ask about bowel movements?
Any abnormalities in frequency or consistency could affect the child’s comfort and abilities during lessons or indicate an illness.
Gas producing foods like apples, peaches, pineapple, papaya, passion fruit, honey, celery, spinach, excessive dairy, refined sugars, and processed food should be avoided because:
A distended abdomen could interact with the Vagus Nerve.
See isp 24
Too much spinach may cause _____.
Perioral cyanosis and blue color around mouth
No food within
1 hour of lesson
No dairy within
2 hours of lesson
Babies should not be so fatigued that they fall asleep within _____.
10 minutes of lesson
But not unusual for child to sleep more during lessons
No lessons for 48 hours after:
Diarrhea or vomiting
Undiagnosed rash