D6 Flashcards
by-product of the attempt of humans to survive their environment and to compensate for their biological characteristics and limitations.
natural process of biological changes occurring in a population across successive generations (Banaag, 2012 p.31).
• The development of the different species of primates which were able to evolve in 40 million years ago.
• Fully Bipedal
• They are Ramapithecus, Lucy and
Hominids or Manlike primates
• The apelike men who first to used stone tools as weapons and protection of their enemies.
• They are recognized as the first true human.
• It has the presence of long arms.
• Lived about 2.4 to 1.4 million years
Homo Habilis or Handy Man
• This manlike specie could walk straight with almost the same brain with modern man.
• He made refined stone stools for hunting and weapons for protection of the enemies.
Homo Erectus or The Upright Man
• It was believed that this was the direct descendant of modern man who lived about 250,000 years ago.
• They had similar physical descriptions with modern man.
• They originated as the primitive men whose activities were
largely dependent on hunting, fishing and agriculture.
• They buried their dead, used had tools and had religion.
Homo Sapiens or The Thinking Man
lived in cave and dependent in hunting and fishing.
Neanderthal Man
prehistoric man, they were the first to produce art in cave paintings and crafting decorated tools and accessories.
Cro Magnon man
Use of simple pebble tools. Learned to live in caves.
Discovered the use of fires.
Developed small sculptures; and monumental painting, incised designs, and reliefs on the wal of caves. “Food-collecting cultures”
Paleolithic Period or old stone age
Stone tools were shaped by polishing or grinding.
Settlement in permanent villages.
Dependence on domesticated plants or animals.
Appearance of such crafts as pottery and weaving.
“Food-producing cultures”
Neolithic age or new stone age
The used of metal such as bronze, copper, and iron produced a new historical development form cradles civilization of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, including India and China which later on spread throughout Asia.
> The civilization which defines to a more developed
social, cultural, political and economic system.
It had already direct contacts through tribes, kingdoms, empire and later on state which the constant political activities were through conquest, warsa n dtrade.
Age of Metal
primary transnational entity that manages and negotiates matters relating to human heritage.
United Nation Educational, Scientific Cultural Organization
not limited to material manifestations, such as monuments and objects that have been preserved over time. This notion also encompasses living expressions and the traditions that countless groups and communities worldwide have inherited from their ancestors and transmit to their descendants, in most cases, orally
Cultural Heritage
could be divided into two categories: movable and immovable. The primary difference in these categories is the size of the heritage.
Tangible Heritage
pieces are often removed from the sites where they were found and transferred to museums for safekeeping and maintenance.
Movable Tangible Heritage
pieces are often left to the elements of nature (i.e., rain, wind, sand, sun), which makes them vulnerable to decay and corrosion.
Immovable tangible Heritage