D.4: Function of The Heart Flashcards
Cardiac muscle
8 points
- unique to the heart
- striated appearance similar to skeletal muscle
- shorter and wider than skeletal muscles, only one nucleus per cell
- have more mitochondria, as they are more reliant on aerobic respiration than skeletal muscle
- not under voluntary control (myogenic)
- y shaped and being electrically connected allows cardiac muscle to move as if it was one cell
- cells are not fused together, but are connected by gap junctions at intercalated discs
- Also means that while electrical signals can pass between cells, each cell is capable of independent contraction
What are intercalated disks?
- Intercalated disks join the ends of the cardiac muscle cells
- have a double membrane which contains gap junctions providing channels of connected cytoplasm between the cells, allowing for movement of ions and low electrical resistance (faster signal propagation and contraction in three dimensions)
Contraction of the heart
Relaxation of the heart
After every contraction of the heart, there is a period of insensitivity to stimulation (i.e. a refractory period)
This recovery period (diastole) is relatively long, and allows the heart to passively refill with blood between beats, also helps prevent heart tissue becoming fatigued, allowing contractions to continue for life
Contraction and relaxation of heart steps
- SA (sinoatrial) node is sent by cardiac muscles and travels through the heart muscles, causing the atria to contract/undergo systole
- SA node reaches AV (atrioventricular) node
- AV node sends signal down the septum
- Bundle of his receives impulse from the AV node, conducts signal to send to left and right bundle branches
- bundle branches send signal through the wall between ventricles
- bundle branches are connected to purkinje fibres near the base of the heart, signal sent throughout the heart via purkinje fibres
- signal results in ventricle undergoing systole
- atrioventricular valves snap shut
- ventricles empty and semilunar valves close
- ventricles begin diastole
- atrioventricular valves open and ventricles fill with blood
- all four chambers full with blood
- once atria fully filled and ventricles 70% filled, one cycle is complete
AV node delay
- The AV node propagates electrical signals more slowly than the SA node, creating a (0.12 s) delay in the passing on of the signal
- The delay in time following atrial systole allows for blood to fill the ventricles before the atrioventricular valves close
What features result in the delay in contraction of ventricles by the AV node?
- The AV node cells have a smaller diameter and do not conduct as quickly.
- There is a relatively reduced number of Na+ channels in the membranes of AV node cells
- a more negative resting potential
- a prolonged refractory period within the cells of the AV node.
- There are fewer gap junctions between the cells of the AV node.
- There is relatively more non-conductive connective tissue in the node
What helps purkinje fibres conduct signals rapidly?
- have relatively fewer myofibrils
- have a bigger diameter
- have higher densities of voltage-gated sodium channels
- have high numbers of mitochondria
- have high glycogen stores
What causes the sound of the heartbeat?
- first heart sound is caused by the closure of the atrioventricular valves at the start of ventricular systole “lubb”
- second heart sound is caused by the closure of the semilunar valves at the start of ventricular diastole “dupp”
A machine used to measure electrical activity of the heart to generate data called an electrocardiogram
sequence of electrical events in a normal heartbeat:
- P wave: represents depolarisation of the atria in response to signalling from the sinoatrial node (i.e. atrial contraction)
- QRS complex: represents depolarisation of the ventricles (i.e. ventricular contraction), triggered by signals from the AV node
- T wave: represents repolarisation of the ventricles (i.e. ventricular relaxation) and the completion of a standard heart beat
- Between these periods of electrical activity are intervals allowing for blood flow (PR interval: (btwn P wave and QRS complex) and ST segment: (btwn QRS complex and T wave))
Examples of Heart Conditions
can be identified using an electrocardiograph
- Tachycardia (elevated resting heart rate = >120 bpm) and bradycardia (depressed resting heart rate = < 40 bpm)
- Arrhythmias (irregular heart beats that are so common in young people that it is not technically considered a disease)
- Fibrillations (unsynchronised contractions of either atria or ventricles leading to dangerously spasmodic heart activity)
Cardiac output
the amount of blood the heart pumps through the circulatory system in one minute
it can be a medical indicator of how efficiently the heart can meet the demands of the body
The two key factors which contribute to cardiac output:
heart rate and stroke volume
Equation of cardiac output:
Cardiac Output (CO) = Heart Rate (HR) (Beats/min) × Stroke Volume (SV) (mL/beat)