Snowflake database is system defined read only shared DB provided by Snowflake. It contains 2 schemas and each schema contains a set of views
- ACCOUNT_USAGE schemas contains views that display object metadata and usage metrics for YOUR account. It is generally similar to the information schema.
- READER_ACCOUNT_USAGE schema contains views for object metadata and usage metrics for all reader accounts created for your account. These are a small subset ACCOUNT_USAGE views.
Account Access
- Discretionary: each object has an owner who can in turn grant access to that object
- Role based: accessing privilege’s are assigned to roles, and roles are assigned to users
System Defined Roles
ORGADMIN: can create accounts in the org, view all accounts, and view usage information across organization
ACCOUNTADMIN: encapsulates the SYSADMIN and SECURITYADMIN role and is the top level role in the system
SECURITYADMIN: can manage any object grant globally and create, monitor, and manage users and roles. It has the MANAGE GRANTS privilege’s and inherits all privileges of the USERADMIN role
USERADMIN: it is granted CREATE USER and CREATE ROLE security privilege’s
SYSADMIN: role that has privileges’ to create warehouses and databases within the account
PUBLIC: auto granted to every user and role within the account
- Third schema within SNOWFLAKE DB but it can only be accessed by users with role = ACCOUNTADMIN
- Doesnt include dropped objects (ACCOUNT_USAGE does include dropped objects)
- No latency of data (ACCOUNT_USAGE has about 2 hour latency)
- Retains historical data for 7 days to 6 months (ACCOUNT_USAGE retains data for 1 year)