7 Base Quantities
mass, kg
length, m
time, s
temperature, K
electric current, A
amount of substance, mol
luminous intensity, cd
Tera 10^12
Giga 10^9-6
Mega 10^6
kilo 10^3
deci 10^-1
centi 10^-2
milli 10^-3
micro 10^-6
nano 10^-9
pico 10^-12
Mass of a bus
12000kg / 15000kg
Mass of a car
1200kg / 1500kg
Random error vs Systematic error
Measured values are scattered about the true value with no fixed pattern
Measured values are consistently larger of consistently smaller than the true value
Reducing error of
1. random error
2. systematic error
- reduce by averaging (cannot be eliminated)
- reduce by correct laboratory practice (can be eliminated)
Accuracy VS Precision (of readings & instrument)
Accuracy: how close the measured value is to the true value
Precision (of a set of readings): how close the measured values are to each other
Precision (of an instrument): the size of the smallest division
d.p. / s.f. for uncertainty, Δx
For addition/subtraction, follow least d.p. rule
For multiplication/division, follow least s.f. rule
On its own (aka fractional or percentage uncertainty): 2sf
When provided with its value (aka x ± Δx): 1sf, then x take same dp as uncertainty
Calculating uncertainty using 2 methods
“Max-Min” Method:
Δx = 1/2 [z(max) - z(min)]
Error Propagation Method:
z = m(x1) + x2 - n(x3)
Δz = m(Δx1) + Δx2 + n(Δx3)
z = [k(A^n)B]/[q(C^m)]
Δz/z = Δk/k + n(ΔA/A) + ΔB/B + Δq/q + m(ΔC/C)
Vector diagram: Change in X
X(final) - X(initial)
Vector diagram: X relative to Y
X - Y