D I & T Flashcards
What is workplace diversity?
- Hiring a wide range of individuals, applicable to race, culture, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, language, education & background
What are some advantages of diversity in the workplace?
- Promotes different ideas and ways of thinking from people of different backgrounds with different experiences, adds to a companys brand & culture, prevents decisions being made based upon sterotypes, improves business performance by refining and defining the companys executions and services offered
Define inclusion in the workplace
- A work environment where individuals are treated fairly & respectfully, have equal access to opportunities & resources, enables employees to fully contribute to a companys success
What is meant by teamwork?
- A co-operative effort by a group of people to achieve a common goal, understanding that thinking, planning, decisions & actions are better done co-operatively
What are the advantages of teamworking?
- Shared workload, improved productivity, improved quality, improved customer focus, quicker solutions, increased motivation, utilising various skillsets
What is unconscious bias?
- The underlying attitudes or stereotypes that people associate with certain groups, influencing how they engage & make decisions in terms of promotions, recruitment & performance management
What is the key legislation associated with DIT?
- Part time workers regs 2000
- Fixed term employeed regs 2010
- Human rights act 1998
What is the Equality Act 2010?
- A discrimination law which protects individuals from unfair treatment, promotes fairness & equality, provides legal framework to protect rights of individuals & advance equal opportunities
What are protected characteristics?
- A characteristic which still has significant discrimination against it. For example, age, sexual orientation, marriage, pregnancy / maternity, gender, race, religion, disability
What does your companys Equal Opportunities Policy mean?
- Ensured equal chance to take up opportunities, making full use of them & fufilling their potential
- Does not discriminate against protected characteristics
What is inclusive communication?
- Sharing information in a way everybody can understand, keeping everybody engaged, ensuring everyone can contribute
What makes a good team?
- Common goals
- Clear objectives
- Respect
- Identifying strengths & weaknesses
- Trust
- sharing knowledge
- Speaking openly
- Range of styles
How to select the right team?
- Understand task at hand
- Understand skills needed to complete a task
- Review skills already available
- Be willing to recruit new members to fill the shortfall in skills requiref
What is the difference between leadership & management?
- Leadership - setting a new direction or vision
- Management - controls / directs people according to pre-established prinviples, goals or values
Why might a team fail?
- No skills to meet objective
- Inadequate resource
- Clashing personalities
- Poor leadership
What is Tuckmans Theory?
A theoretical model which sets out how to tackle a task from formation of the team through to completiok of the task in 5 stages
1) forming - specification of common goals & desired behaviour
2) storming - conflicts & negotiation
3) normimg - consensus and team spirit
4) performing - finding the balance of conformity & deviance
5) adjorning - feedback & disperson
What is a RACI matrix?
- Responsible - people who do fhe work
- Accountable - who is responsible for the work?
- consulted - people who input the knowledge
- informed - people who need to be in the picture
A responsibility assignment matrix which describes various roles in completing a task & their level of involvement
What are formal communication processes?
- Communication through pre-defined channels set by companies
- Usually conveyed from top leadership to various departments
- Eg. Meetings, reports
How does partnering & collaborative working effect a team?
- Improves the way a team works together & solves problems
- Leads to more innovation, efficient processes, increased success through improved communication
- Through listening & learning from team members, can help each other achieve goals
What is a strategic alliance?
- An agreement between 2 or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon objectives needed whilst remaining independent organisations