D: Financial Reporting Flashcards
What is inventory valued at?
lower of cost vs NRV
What costs should not be included in inventory?
- abnormal amounts of wasted resources
- storage costs
- admin costs unrelated to bringing inv to current location/condition
- selling and distribution costs
=>these are expenses
What is IAS 16?
Property, Plant and equipment:
tangible assts that:
- are held by an entity for use in the production or supply of goods
- expected to be used for more than one period
What is IAS 36?
Impairment of Assets
when CV> recoverable amount
recoverable amount is the higher of:
net selling price (FV-costs to sell)
value in use (PV from use and disposal)
What is IFRS 5?
NCA Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
component that has either been disposed of or classified as HFS and:
- represents a major line of business or geographical area of operations
- that is part of a single co-ordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business
- subsidiary acquired exclusively with view to resale
What is the HFS criteria?
- immediate sale in present condition
- sale is highly probable
- management are committed to sale
- active programme to locate buyer
- asset marketed at reasonable price
- sale is expected to be completed in one year
- unlikely plan change
What is IAS 2?
Inventories i.e assets that are:
- process of production
- materials used in production
What is IAS 10?
Events after the Reporting Period
-events that occur between end of reporting period and date when financial statements are authorised
What is IAS 7?
Statement of Cash flows
What is IFRS 16?
contract that conveys right of use of asset for lease term
Initial recognition of PPE?
- purchase price
- directly attributable costs to bring to use and location
- initial estimate of dismantling and removing
Subsequent expenditure of PPE?
capitalise when:
- expenditure improves economic benefits
- replaces a component and carrying amount of component is replaced and derecognised
- major inspection of faults and carrying amount of previous inspection is derecognised
What are the two cost models used for IAS 16?
cost model: CV=cost - acc dep - imp loss
revaluation model: CV=FV-acc dep-imp loss
What is the depreciation double entry?
Dr Dep expense (SPL)
Cr Acc dep (SOFP)
How to revalue asset:
1 restate asset cost
2 Remove existing Acc Dep
3 Transfer increase in cost account and existing acc dep to reval surplus
4 Recalculate current year’s depreciation on revalued amount