Cytoskeleton and Motor Proteins Flashcards
Most eukaryotic cells contain a complex network of protein fibers calledthe cytoskeleton. What are the components of the cytoskeleton?
(1) Microtubules
(2) Microfilaments
(3) Intermediate filaments
Describe the structure of microtubules.
long, slender, hollow tubes composed of tubulin molecules
tubulin is a globular protein with α and β subunits.
State the functions of microtubules.
◾ maintain asymmetric cell shapes
◾ are conveyer belts inside the cells because they move vesicles, granules, organelles like mitochondria, and chromosomes via special attachment proteins, from one point of the cell to another
◾ may join with other proteins to form complex structures called cilia, flagella or centrioles. Flagella and cilia are used for locomotion. They form the spindle fibres for separating the chromosomes during mitosis.
Describe the structure of microfilaments.
intertwined helical chains of actin molecules; microfilaments components of myosin molecules are present in muscle cells
State the functions of microfilaments.
◾ play a vital role in various cellular contractile systems, including muscle contraction and amoeboid movement
◾ serve as a mechanical stiffener for microvilli
Name two diseases resulting from defects of the cytoskeleton which contribute to neurodegeneration.
(a) Alzheimer’s disease
(b) Parkinson’s disease
(c) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)/Lou Gehrig’s disease/Motor Neuron Disease
What are molecular motors/motor proteins?
They are biologicalmolecularmachines that are the essential agents of movement in living organisms.
for example, manyprotein-based molecular motors harness the chemicalfree energyreleased by thehydrolysisof ATPin order to perform mechanical work
List three cytoskeletal motors.
(a) Myosins are responsible for muscle contraction, intracellular cargo transport, and producing cellular tension.
(b) Kinesinmoves cargo inside cells away from the nucleus alongmicrotubules.
(c) Dyneinproduces theaxonemalbeating ofciliaandflagella and also transports cargo along microtubules towards the cell nucleus.
List three polymerization motors.
(a) Actin polymerization generates forces and can be used for propulsion.ATPis used.
(b) Microtubule polymerization usingGTP.
(c) Dynamin is responsible for the separation ofclathrinbuds from the plasma membrane.GTPis used.
List the rotary motors.
FoF1-ATP synthase
Bacterial flagellum
State the nucleic acid motors.
What is a molecular motor? What are four broad categories of molecular motors?
(a) These are biological molecular machines that are essential agents of movement in living organisms.
(b) 1. Cytoskeletal motors, 2. Polymerisation motors, 3. Rotary motors, 4. Nucleic acid motors
Manyprotein-based molecular motors harness the chemicalfree energyreleased by thehydrolysisof ATPin order to perform mechanical work.
Name three cytoskeletal motors and state their functions.
(1) Dynein - produces the axonemal beating of cilia and flagella and also transports cargo along microtubules towards the cell nucleus
(2) Kinesin - moves cargo inside cells away from the nucleus along microtubules
(3) Myosins - responsible for muscle contraction, intracellular cargo transport, and producing cellular tension
State the functions of the following nucleic acid motors:
1) RNA polymerase
2) DNA polymerase
3) Helicases
4) Structural Maintenance of Chromosome (SMC) proteins
(1) transcribes RNA from a DNA template
(2) turns single-stranded DNA into double-stranded DNA
(3) they separate double strands of nucleic acids prior to transcription or replication
(4) they are responsible for chromosome condensation in eukaryotic cells