Cytoskeleton Flashcards
provides cell motility, cell division, cell shape, cell strength, organelle distribution, cytokinesis, intracellular transport, made up of intermediate filaments, microtubules and actin filaments
intermediate filaments
rope-like, give cells mechanical strength, alpha-helical structures form coiled-coil dimer which form staggered (anti-parallel) tetramer of coiled-coil dimers (each end is the same)
hollow stiff tubes of protein that create tracks within cell, also form mitotic spindle, has polarity (plus and minus ends of filament indicating dynamism) and enzymatic activity of subunits (tubulin, a GTPase that hydrolyzes the release of 3rd phosphate yielding GDP) and as a result is a dynamic structure
actin filaments
thin, flexible, helical filaments important for cell motility and other functions, is also polar and actin is an ATPase that cleaves third phosphate off of ATP yielding ADP, dynamic
microtubule structure
made up of dimers of alpha and beta tubulin which stack to form protofilaments which form hollow tube, largest of cytoskeletal filaments, undergo dynamic instability
microtubule organizing center, minus ends of filaments oriented towards centrosome and plus ends towards periphery, minus ends are typically static bc they are anchored in centrosome
dynamic instability
where microtubules at their plus ends can switch rapidly between growth and disassembly (polymerization and depolymerization) when subunits are added to plus end of microtubule they are still bound to GTP, however soon after assembly, tubulin will carry out its enzymatic rxn (GTP to GDP) which induces conformational change in tubulin which makes it less favorable to stay in microtubule (but it does bc of GTP cap of newly added tubulin)
microtubule dynamic instability is a race between:
- rate of incorporation of free GTP-tubulin into filaments vs 2. rate of hydrolysis of GTP to GDP within filament; when rate of 1. proceeds faster than 2. there is growth of MT, if hydrolysis catches and there is no GTP cap, shrinking (disassembly and release) of MT occurs
actin filament structure
made up of actin protein, assembly and disassembly can happen at both ends but favorability of assembly vs disassembly is different at each end and depends on free actin concentration, low [actin]- disassembly at plus and minus ends, high [actin]- assembly at both plus and minus ends, special intermediate [actin]- assembly at plus end and disassembly at minus end (“treadmilling”)
actin monomers bound to ATP will assemble onto plus end of filament, at some point actin added will hydrolyze ATP to form ADP, ADP-bound action is not favorable to stay in filament so if it finds itself at minus end it will release; addition on one end and subtraction on other allows actin cytoskeleton to move
molecular mechanism of dynamic instability
microtubules undergo rapid remodeling (allows cell to change structure and react to environment), driven by changes in tubulin dimer bc it exists in 2 conformational states: GTP-tubulin dimer is linear which increases stability and GDP-tubulin dimer is slightly out of alignment which decreases stability bc it fits less snugly into filaments, hydrolysis is driven by enzymatic activity of tubulin itself, polymerization causes tubulin to greatly increase its GTPase activity
how does hydrolysis of GTP affect growth of microtubules?
it slows growth bc depolymerization would not be possible if GTP could not undergo hydrolysis and if depolymerization can’t happen filaments would not have access to disassembled units of actin
how does the GTP cap stabilize the microtubules?
cap has straight protofilaments that constrain curvature of GDP portion below, when tubulin at cap end has hydrolized the constraint is released and curved protofilaments spring apart- peel off rapidly
If MTs undergo dynamic instability then how do they form a stable “skeleton” in the cell?
selective stabilization via attachment to capping proteins at MT plus end (prevents filament assembly or disassembly at bound end), search and capture process of random exploration and then selective stabilization which allows cell to create highly organized system of MT tracks used to organize and/or move other components, location and amount of capping proteins is highly regulated by the cell
filament stabilizing proteins
bind along length of filaments to promote stability
filament severing proteins
create new filament ends for assembly or disassembly
monomer-sequestering proteins
regulate availability of free subunits and therefore rate of addition of subunits to filament ends
nucleation factors
enhance rate of new filament creation
motor proteins
dynein (minus end directed) and kinesin (plus end directed) for microturbules, myosin family (- or +) for actin filaments, dimers with 2 globular heads and single tail, tails bind stably to cargo (vesicle or organelle), heads are enzymes with ATPase activity that drives conformational changes in head and neck region, movement driven by cycle of binding, release, rebinding to filament
molecular mechanism of kinesin along microtubules
head binds to microtubule, binding induces conformational change releasing ADP from attached head, free ATP fills empty nucleotide binding site, this exchange induces conformational change triggering neck linker to zipper onto head, throws other head forward, this brings second head near next binding site and binds tightly, first head hydrolyzes its ATP which induces a conformational change causing head to lose grip on microtubule