Cytogenetics II- Lecture 9/22/21 Flashcards
Types of structural chromosomal changes (5)
- Duplication
- Translocation
- Inversion
- Insertion
Microdeletion syndromes
- Often submicroscopic depletion of more than one gene from chromosome
- Phenotype corresponds with number of genes lost
Duplication 7q
Unusual appearance with frontal bossing, abnormal ears, hydronephrosis
Exchange of material between two or more chromosomes
Balanced translocations
Even exchange, no missing materials
Can cause infertility, increased risk of unbalanced, spontaneous pregnancy loss
Nomenclature of balanced translocation
Number of chromosomes, t(one to another)(breakpoint,breakpoint)
Chance of parent with balanced translocation having unbalanced kid
Nomenclature unbalanced translocation
Number, sex chromosomes, derivative chromosome, translocation, break points
Acrocentric chromosomes
Robertsonian translocation
Two acrocentric chromosomes joining at centromere
Robertsonian translocation nomenclature
45, XX/Y, Der(13;14)(q10;q10)
digeorges disease
Microdeletion disorder
Test for aneuploidy, not diagnosis though a 98% detection rate for aneuploidy
Offered to couples at higher risk for a single gene disorder, not diagnostic
Molar pregnancy
“Bunch of moles” cystic placenta