Cytogenetics Flashcards
numerical and large structural abberations
scans whole genome
requires mitotic cells
days to weeks
metaphase and interphase
targeted cytogenetics
structural abnormalities (aneusomies) < 5Mb, microdeletions, microduplications
cryptic rearrangements
requres knowledge of targets
Array CGH
scan whole genome for copy number changes and small rearrangements
DNA sequencing
now good for detailed views of known gene target, soon useful for detailed scan of whole genome
cytogenetic techniques
molecular genetic techniques
DNA resolution
Karotype Procedure
suspension cultures: blood, bone marrow
monolayer cultures: amniotic fluid, chorionic villi, products of conception, solid tumors
need proliferating cells that live well in a dish
specimens are minced and disaggregated by treatment w collagenase
plated as monolayer cultures
metaplase cells are harvested, swolloe, dropped on glass slides and burst
chromosomes are stained and banded using Giemsa and trypsin (GTG)
structrue of chromosome
dark band - heterochromatin: AT rich, tissues specific genes expressed
Euchromatin: GC-rich, housekeeping genes
“p” short arm is super short - it’s hard to see it but still present
arm length is unequal
2 arms equal in length, balanced translocation = fusion of 2 acrocentric chromosomes
advantages of karotype
numerical abnormalities - too many too few
trisomy 21, 13, 18, Monosomy
large quantitative structural abnormalities (deletions, duplications, amplifications, big translocations)
large qualititave structural abnormalities (translocations, inversions, insertions)
disadvantages of karyotype
requires actively dividing cells
requires time (growth of cells)
resolution varies with tissues
contamination w normal cells (mother and chid, tumor and non tumor)
best for big changes over 5 Mb
usually cannot detect single gene rearrangements (tumors)
FISH procedure
- denature dsDNA into single strands
- add fluoro labled single strand probe (always DNA!) w sequence complentary to chromosomal region of interest
- re-anneal DNA to allow probe binding to target
- wash unbound proble
- evaluate by fluoro microscope - nucleus is counterstained