cysts of the jaw Flashcards
t/f cysts are slowly growing and asymptomatic
yes. persistent and progressive
radiographic appearance of cysts
cortigated border, well defined
to dx cysts, must find
clinical, radiographic, and microscopic features
3 inflammatory cysts
buccal bifurcation cyst, radicular and residual cyst
where does the epitheilum come from if a cyst is in the bone
reduced enamel epithelium, enamel organ, dental lamina, HERS, rests of malassez
only way to really tell what something is is through
microscopic evidence
most of the cysts are lined by what type of epithelium
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
radicular cyst
necrotic deris and bacteria of nonvital pulp
inflammation stimulates with and forms a cysts
most common cyst of the jaw
radicular cyts
radicular cysts have what kind of border
healing cysts looks like
bone grows from outside in with rolled border
residual cyst happens
after extraction without curettage and lining is left
lateral periodontal cyst
75-80% in pm/canine area
associated with vital or nonvital cysts
less than 1cm
lat periodontal cyst can look like
lat radicular cyst. must test for vitality (nonvital can be both)
most common developmental odontogenic cyst
dentigerous cyst
features of dentigerous cyst
attached to the cemento-enamel junction of an unerupted tooth
most common with 3rd molars and max canines
clinical features of cysts
cortigated, well defined
t/f dentigerous cysts can grow very large
t/f most of the time, dentigerous cysts are unilocular
guidelines of dentigerous cysts
2-3mm hyperplastic follicle
what can be on the differential with dentigerous cysts
dentigerous cysts, okc, ameloblastoma..
tx of dentigerous cysts
enucleation of removal of the affected tooth
marsupialization with extraction
little tendency to recur when completely removed
eruption cyst
st analogue of a dentigerous cyst
what is in an eruption cyst
cystic fluid and/or blood bt an erupting tooth and the dental follicle, completely OUT OF the bone
if there is blood present, what color is an eruption cyst