CySA+ Study Notes 5 Flashcards
AV = Attack Vector (this describes type of access attacker must have to exploit a vuln.) Can be (P) Physical == physical touch or manipulation required to target system. (L) Local == physical or logical console access required. (A) Adjacent Network == local network access required.
Attack Complexity (AC) (metric is for how difficult it is to exploit a vulnerability). Can be (H) High == requires specialized conditions. (L) Low == easy to exploit.
CVSS : PR = Privileges Required. (H) High == requires admin control. (L) Low == requires basic user privileges. (N) None == requires no prior privileges.
CVSS : UI = User Interaction. (R) Required == requires user take some action. (N) None == doesnt require user interaction.
CVSS : (C) Confidentiality. (N) None == no confidentiality impact. (L) Low == access to some info possible. (H) High == all info compromised.
CVSS : (I) Integrity. (N) None == no intergrity impact. (L) Low == modification of some info possible. (H) High == all info compromised.
CVSS : (A) Availability. (N) None == no availability impact. (L) Low == performance degraded. (H) High == system shut down.
CVSS : (S) = Scope (determines whether vuln. can affect components other than the components with the vuln.) Can be (C) Changed == exploiting vuln. can affect other components. (U) Unchanged == exploiting vuln. only affects resources managed by same security authority.
??? when vuln. exists BUT scanner misses it.
??? if no finding by scan AND no vuln.
??? if vuln. scan reports finding AND vuln. really exists.
False Negative / True Negative / True Positive
buffer overflows can lead to priv. elevation.
Parameterized SQL : precompiles SQL code on database server to prevent user input from altering query structure.
XSS : attacker tricks a user’s browser into downloading script from one site and executing it on another site. 2 points for it to work : Reflected Input == input provided by user is later displayed to other users; Unvalidated Input.
Password Spraying : attacker takes list of commonly used passwords and and uses them to attack many different accounts at the same time.
Credential Stuffing : when users reuse same password across multiple sites.
the ??? of an access control request is the user, device, or app that is requesting access to a resource. ex.’s : user accessing files, digital signs of accessing networks, app’s accessing databases etc …
the ??? of an access control request is the resource that the subject wishes to access. ex.’s : files, networks, databases, etc …
Subject / Object