cycle test term 1 yr 8 Flashcards
A scientific report:
tells the reader what happened in an experiment.
reliable means:
data trustorthy, repets/trials, ssmall range of resulats, minimal errors, remove anomalies and count up avergaes
valid means:
only one independent variable, all other variables controlled
accurate means:
hard to prove-need some research to determins if your result represents the true value, improvements for next time
human reflex error:
people havng different reaction times eg using a stopwatch
parrelex error:
taking readings at eye level eg using a measuring cyclinder
zero error:
have not zeroed thhe sclae before using it
instuement error:
faulty equipment eg stopwatches, bunsen burner etc
reading error:
have to estimate a measurement eg ruler or measuring cyclinder
what do you add in your conclusion:
link back to your hypothesis was it correct or not, repeat the trend
when do you use a bar graph
for catogories (boy and girl) or qualitative data, make sure you have gaps between each bar and bars must have the same thickness
when do you use a line graph
quantitative data (numbers), use ruler for line of best fit, for you line of best fit DO NOT go past your last point on the graph
for your method what do you write?sqrmt
numbered steps, quantities, repears, mention varibles, tel them what to record
you start aim with
‘to investigate’
hypothesis start with
’ if… then