Cybercrime Seminar Key vocabulary Flashcards
An interested party
or a secondary party is a party with vested interest in the proceedings
Illicit interference with electronic systems
a type of cybercrime criminal offence
Victim is the person who suffers harm or injury or loss as a result of criminal conduct
Injured party is the entity who suffers harm, damage or loss usually as a result of Civil tort (harmful or tortious action)
Public procurement
Or the public tender is a type of an open invitation for tender issued by a public body
To annul something
refers to a declaration usually by a court by which a legal act is declared void (invalid) from the onset
Prior convictions
refer to the criminal record of the person
To list a hearing
refers to the court or a sole judge scheduling a court hearing
Hear or try a case
is what the court or the sole judge or a chamber of judges
Vicarious liability
is the liability of the employer for the misconduct of the employee
Fall within the ambit of a right
Means the conduct is covered by this right or law
IP law
Refers to intellectual property law
de minimis threshold
is the minimum harm suffered by the victim in order for the act to be prosecuted as a criminal offence
Legal entity
is a company and distinguished from a physical entity
is an official way in which the suspect is accused of a criminal offence
refer to the situation when the accused person is charged with one or more counts of a criminal offence
Is a person who can be interviewed, questioned or interrogated
Unknown perpetrator
is a person who has perpetrated a criminal offence
A convicted offender
Is a person who has offended the law and been convicted of a criminal offence
Public gallery
Is the area in the courtroom in which the audience (also the public) can sit and watch the hearing if the heating is public and not closed
Prosecute the cases, furnishings evidence and arguing against the defendant
Bodily harm
is a type of a criminal offence