cyber security Flashcards
cyber security
The practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes.
Network security
Any activity designed to protect the usability and integrity of network and data. It includes both hardware and software technologies. Effective network security manages access to a network. It targets a variety of threats and stops them from entering or spreading on a network.
Individuals who will violate computer security for malicious or financial reasons; they may also be known as crackers.
Planting the flag
Individuals who may seek financial reward for finding vulnerability, but are more interested in finding vulnerabilities than gaining something for themselves.
Ethical hackers
Individuals whose activities are designed to test and enhance computer security; they may also be known as ethical hackers.
Individuals who use technology to announce a social, ideological, religious, or political message.
Social engineering
The psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information.
Software designed to record and store every keystroke made on a computer. Criminals often attempt to install keylogging software onto a computer remotely.
Tailgating is a physical security breach in which an unauthorised person follows an authorised individual to enter secured premises.
Pharming redirects victims to a bogus site even if the victim has typed the correct web address. This type of scam is often applied to the websites of banks or e-commerce sites.
Phishing is the act of trying to obtain confidential records such as passwords. Emails that look as if they are from a legitimate, respected organisation are sent, but they contain links to fake websites that ‘phish’ data from unsuspecting victims.
Digital devices
Devices that can be used for eavesdropping on live conversations or voicemails.
A technique that involves the social engineer being physically present to overhear confidential conversations.
Shoulder surfing
Looking over another person’s shoulder to view passwords or other data that is being entered.
Attackers focus on creating a good pretext, or a fabricated scenario, that they can use to try and steal their victims’ personal information. This type of attack commonly takes the form of a scammer who pretends that they need certain bits of information from their target in order to confirm their identity.
Short for malicious software, this is programming or code that is used to disrupt computers by:
● Gathering sensitive information
● Gaining access to private computer systems
● Displaying unwanted advertising
● Distributing the performance of a computer or network
A malicious computer program that tricks users into willingly running it is called a ‘Trojan horse’ or simply a ‘Trojan’. They can be delivered via internet downloads, infected USBs, or email attachments.
Brute force attack
This type of attack can occur when an attacker systematically submits guessed passwords with the hope of eventually guessing correctly.
A denial of service attack (DoS attack) is a cyberattack in which a criminal makes a network resource unavailable to its intended users by flooding the targeted machine or website with lots of requests in an attempt to overload systems and prevent some or all legitimate requests from being fulfilled.
In a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS attack), the incoming traffic flooding the victim originates from many different sources. This makes it impossible to stop the attack simply by blocking a single source.
While also self-replicating, a worm does not need to infect an existing program. Worms are able to spread very rapidly, infecting large numbers of machines.
This type of Trojan can modify data on a computer or device so that it doesn’t run correctly or so that users can no longer use specific data.
Encryption is the process of encoding data or a message so that it cannot be understood by anyone other than its intended recipient.