Cyber Laws And Contracts Flashcards
15.———- deals with legal issues arising from the use of technology, particularly in the context of the internet and computers.
a) Contract Law
b) Cyber Law
c) Criminal Law
d) Tort Law
16.An agreement between two or more parties, enforceable by law, is known as a ————
a) Digital Agreement
b) Cyber Pact
c) Cyber Contract
d) Legal Accord
17.The purpose of a digital signature in online transactions is ————
a) To provide decorative elements to electronic documents
b) To prevent the use of electronic documents
c) To ensure the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents
d) To replace traditional handwritten signatures
- ——–is responsible for issuing digital signatures in many countries.
a) Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
b) Social Media Platforms
c) Certificate Authorities (CAs)
d) Cybersecurity Agencies
19 “phishing” means ——————–
a) A type of computer virus
b) A method to increase internet speed
c) Illegally accessing Wi-Fi networks
d) Deceptive attempts to gather sensitive information
20.Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a safety mechanism that involves————–
a) Using two different internet browsers
b) Verifying identity using two separate passwords
c) Confirming identity through two different communication channels
d) Using two different email accounts for communication
21.According to The Factories Act 1948, “factory” means ——————
a) Any place where goods are produced manually
b) Any place where more than 10 workers are employed
c) Any place using power for manufacturing, processing, or assembly
d) Any place where skilled labor is employed
22.”Occupier” under The Factories Act 1948 refers to ————
a) A person who occupies a factory building
b) The owner of the factory
c) A worker with a supervisory role
d) An authorized government official
23.The primary objective of The Factories Act 1948 is ——————-
a) To ensure the health, safety, and welfare of workers in factories
b) To promote the expansion of factories without restrictions
c) To maximize profits for factory owners
d) To regulate import and export of factory-produced goods
24.The Factories Act 1948 aims to regulate ————- in factories.
a) Only working hours and wages
b) Only worker accommodations
c) Safety, health, welfare, and working conditions of factory workers
d) Only the machinery used in factories
25.————-is NOT a key objective of The Factories Act 1948.
a) Ensuring regular factory inspections
b) Preventing child labor in factories
c) Providing safeguards for women workers
d) Promoting rapid industrialization
26.The term “occupier” means ————– under The Factories Act 1948 with respect to health, safety, and welfare provisions.
a) The owner of the factory
b) A government inspector
c) A worker elected by the factory employees
d) The supervisor in charge of safety measures
27.—————is NOT a responsibility of the occupier under the health provisions of The Factories Act.
a) Providing clean drinking water
b) Maintaining proper ventilation
c) Providing personal protective equipment
d) Arranging regular medical check-ups
28.According to The Factories Act 1948, ———- is the maximum number of hours a adult worker can work in a factory in a week.
a) 40 hours
b) 48 hours
c) 56 hours
d) 60 hours
29.The Act mandates that a factory with more than ———- employees must have a canteen facility.
a) 10
b) 20
c) 50
d) 100
30.The Factories Act 1948 requires that factory buildings be designed and constructed with adequate provisions for —————–
a) Entertainment and recreation
b) Emergency exits and fire safety
c) Artistic and creative expression
d) Housing for workers
31.The Act prescribes that if any worker in a factory meets with an accident, it must be reported to the authorities within—————.
a) 6 hours
b) 12 hours
c) 24 hours
d) 48 hours
32.The Act provides specific provisions for the protection of the health and safety of ————— workers.
a) Only adult male workers
b) Only adult female workers
c) All workers, regardless of gender or age
d) Only workers below the age of 18
33.The term “hazardous process” under The Factories Act 1948 refers to ————
a) Any manufacturing activity involving chemicals
b) A process that poses a risk of injury or disease to workers
c) Any factory activity that generates noise pollution
d) A process carried out by machines, not by hand
34.In a factory involving hazardous processes, ———–is required for worker safety.
a) Providing free meals to workers
b) Offering higher wages to workers
c) Employing only skilled workers
d) Obtaining prior approval from government authorities
35.According to The Factories Act 1948, ——-is the maximum number of hours of work per day for an adult worker.
a) 6 hours
b) 8 hours
c) 10 hours
d) 12 hours
36.In a factory operating on a shift basis, ———hours can an adult worker be required to work in a week, including overtime.
a) 40 hours
b) 48 hours
c) 56 hours
d) 60 hours
37.For overtime work on any day, an adult worker is entitled to twice the ordinary rate of wages for the time being fixed for ————–.
a) Regular working hours
b) Morning hours
c) Afternoon hours
d) Night hours
38.The Factories Act 1948 prohibits adult workers from working for more than ————— consecutively without a day of rest.
a) 3 days
b) 5 days
c) 7 days
d) 10 days
39.Under The Factories Act 1948, ————————is true regarding the employment of women in night shifts.
a) Women are prohibited from working during night shifts.
b) Women can work during night shifts with proper consent and safety measures.
c) Women can work during night shifts only if they have a college degree.
d) Women are allowed to work night shifts only in service sectors.
40.The Act mandates that in factories employing women, suitable provisions must be made for ———————.
a) Providing childcare facilities
b) Offering higher wages to women workers
c) Restricting women to certain departments
d) Limiting working hours for women
41.The Factories Act 1948 defines a “child” as a person who has not completed the age of —————
a) 12 years
b) 14 years
c) 16 years
d) 18 years
42.In a factory, children are prohibited from working in any ———-
a) Administrative roles
b) Supervisory positions
c) Hazardous process
d) Outdoor activities
43.The Act permits the employment of adolescents (persons who have completed 14 years of age but not 18) in factories, subject to certain conditions. Which of the following is NOT one of those conditions?
a) The adolescent’s work must be light and safe.
b) The adolescent must have the consent of a parent or guardian.
c) The adolescent must be paid at least minimum wage.
d) The adolescent’s working hours must not interfere with schooling.
- ———- is the maximum number of hours an adolescent can work in a factory in a day, according to the Factories Act 1948?
a) 6 hours
b) 8 hours
c) 10 hours
d) 12 hours
45.According to The Factories Act 1948, ———–of work is a worker entitled to annual leave with wages.
a) 10 days
b) 15 days
c) 20 days
d) 30 days
46.During annual leave with wages, a worker is entitled to full wages for the entire leave period. Is this statement true or false?
a) True
b) False
47.The Act mandates that annual leave with wages must not be accumulated beyond ————– leave .
a) 30 days
b) 45 days
c) 60 days
d) 90 days
48.———– is the maximum fine for contravening any provision of The Factories Act 1948.
a) ₹10,000
b) ₹20,000
c) ₹25,000
d) ₹50,000
49.In case of a repeated offense under the Act, the fine can be doubled. For which type of offense does this apply?
a) Minor offenses only
b) Major offenses only
c) Both minor and major offenses
d) Only offenses related to safety measures
50.If a person obstructs an inspector in the discharge of their duties under the Act, ——–is the penalty.
a) Warning
b) Suspension
c) Imprisonment for up to 3 months
d) Monetary compensation