CXPA Ebook Flashcards
Zakaznicka skusenost je ako vnimanie organizacii zo strany zakaznikov
CX as the perception that customers have of an organization
Subor postupov
The Set of practices
Ktori posobia ako katalyzator ma zvysenie organizacnych vysledkov
Who act as a catalyst to enhance an organization’s results
Lepsie vysledky
Better outcomes
Rodiaca sa profesia
Nascent profession
Objectives, aims,goals
Vyuzit rozoravanie pribehov
Is to utilize storytelling
Na zaklade zakaznickeho porozumenia
Upon a foundation of customer understanding
Pevne zakorenene
Firmly rooted
Poskytuje benefity
Provide benefit
Mozno vas zaujima (cudujete sa) ako ziskate dolezite a pouzitelne informacie
You might wonder how to obtian vital and actionable information
Zachytavanie udajov
Capturing data
Musi ist nad prieskumy
Must go beyond surveys
Je dolezite sledovat rozvijajuce sa svhopnosti
It is important to watch evolving capabilities
Prediktivna analytika a nove technologie
Predictive analytics and emerging technologies
Mozu otvorit moznosti pre rozsirenie porozumenia
Can open up opportunities for expanded understanding
Premysleny pristup
A thoughtful approach
Porozumenie je nebyhnutne pre poslytovanie hodnoty pre zakaznikov
Understanding is essential for delivering customer value,meeting changing market conditions
Ako su zakaznicke insights zozbierane organizaciou
How customer insights are gathered by the organization
Prekrocia CX
Exceed CC
Zvysuju bazen nespokojnych zakaznikov
Increase the pool of unsatisfied customers
A ziskat feedback
Retrieve feedback
Nerusi zakaznikov
Not distruptive to customers