CVSR Tx & Pharma Flashcards
Name the 2 major classifications of Respiratory Drugs & broad sub groups
Relievers: B2 Agonists (SABA/LABA), Anticholinergics (SAMAs/LAMAs), Xanthines
Preventers: ICS, Leukotrine REeceptor Antagonists, Cromones, MAbs
SABA/LABA: provide the MoA, Use & an example of each
SABA: Salbutamol (ventolin)
LABA: Salmeterol (Serevent)
Use: Asthma & COPD
MoA: B2 adrenergic agonists - - stimulate B2 adrenoreceptors = relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle to = bronchiodilation
SFx of B2 Antagonists
may have B1 SFx: tachycardia, tremor
Anticholinergics: provide the MoA, Use & 2 examples
SAMA: Ipratropium
LAMA: Tiotropium
Use: Asthma, COPD
MoA: reduce cholinergic bronchomotor tone = bronciodilation
Considerations/Risks for LAMA use
do not use LAMA monotherapy (increases Rx of Asthma exacerbation assoc with death)
Remedy - always prescribe ICW ICS
Xanthines: provide an example, indicators for use & MoA
Eg: Thiopholin
Use: Asthma
MoA: unk moa - SFx = relaxation of bronchial smooth mm., anti-inflammatory effects, increased diaphragmatic contractility & CNS stimulation
List the classes of Preventers & Provide an example for each
ICS - Budesonide
Leukotrine REceptor Antagonists - Monteleukasts
Cromones - Cromoglycate, Neodoromil
MAbs - …
ICS: provide an example & MoA
Eg: Budesonide
MoA: Immunosuppressive & Anti-inflammatory (reduce long-term lung damage & fibrosis) via transduction of inflamatory and cytokin genes
List SFx of ICSs
- Oral Candidiasis
- Sore throat
- moon face
- buffalo hump
- thinning of skin
- delay in wound healing
- increased bruising
- long term & high does: reduction in bone density & increased Rx of Osteoporosis
- Adrenal supression (high dose)
- Impared growth (adolescents)
Leukotrine Receptor Antagonists: Provide an Example, MoA & indications for use & SFx
Eg. Monteleukast
Use: Asthma preventer
MoA: blocks leukotrine receptors (blocks arachadonic acid pathway) = reduction in airway inflammation
SFx: headache, abdo pain, diarrhoea
Considerations for use of ICS
start with low dose & adjust IAW response
- spacer preferred over nebulised form (spacer = more efficient delivery)
- rinse & gargle after oral admin to reduce Rx of oral candidiasis
- check inhaler technique regularly
List Drugs used in TB Therapy
RIPES: (TBC) Rifampicin Isoniazid Pyrazinamide Ethanbutol Streptomycin