Cvs, Aortic Dis, Heart Dis In Px Flashcards
The worst cardiac dis in px?
Peripartum CMP
The next is eisenmeger syndrome
A pt with hx of smocking n htn came to the ER with sudden onset chest pain and pain between his scapula. Dx?
Clues to the dx are?
Aortic dissection.
Pain between scapula is a clue. Another clue is BP difference between rt n lt
Best initial test in PAD?
Ankle brachial index. Ratio of BP in the ankle to brachial aa
<0.9 is diagnostic
Best initial test, most accurate test and most frequently used diagnostic tests in aortic dissection
- best initial- CXR showing mediastinal widening
- most accurate- angiography but invasive
- CT angiography, MRA, TEE have equal accuracy but CT angio is performed most often because it’s the easiest.
A 56 yr old comes with sxs of ACS , his sxs improved after ASA n nitroglycerin given by paramedics on the way to the hospital. ECG shows T wave inversion in leads V1-V4. Troponin level is normal. What drug should immediately be added?
IV heparin
- pts sxs n ECG findings- ACS due to either unstable angina or NSTEMI which will b defferentiated later (6-12hours) by significant elevation in troponin
But acute mx is the same.
➡️antiplatelets, antithrombotics, b blockers, nitrates, statins r given; PCI within 24 hrs.
- Fibrinolytic therapy is not used
Drug therapy in PAD
ASA, statins, cilostazole
Rx of aortic dissection
Controlling the BP is the most important step - in type B dissection
- B blockers followed by nitroprusside
- surgical correction is the most appropriate Rx in type A dissection
1st line drug for diabetic erectile dysfunction
Timing of drug administration if combining them with alpha blockers
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors like sildenafil
At least 4hr interval should be there
Pt presented with severe symptomatic htn with headache epistaxis LV hypertrophy on EKG. CXR shows rib notching. What physical examination do u use to evaluate this pts cause of hypertension?
Simultaneous palpation of the brachial n femoral pulses( brachio femoral delay)
Coarctation of the aorta
The next step after IJV catheterization should be?
CXR to confirm proper placement of catheter tip n absence of complication before administering drugs
Bilateral lower extremity pitting edema, varicose veins, and ulcer suggest the dx of?
Venous insufficiency
Screening for aortic aneurysm
- Men who ever smoked
- age>65
With ultrasound
The most useful intervention to improve functional capacity n reduce sxs in PAD
A supervised graded exercise program
Pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, tachypnea in a long distance truck driver is most consistent with?
Pulmonary embolism
Patient diagnosed with hypertension for the first time , what investigations should be done ?
Urinalysis, chemistry, lipid profile, EKG