CVS Flashcards
What can be noticed on inspection of the general appearance of patients with aortic stenosis?
They are pale and sweaty
Why do patients with aortic stenosis appear the way they do?
Low cardiac output
How does the pulse feel on a patient with aortic stenosis?
Rate - elevated
Rhythm - sinus rhythm
What blood pressure could you expect in a patient with aortic stenosis?
100 systolic 75 diastolic
What pulse characteristic could you expect in a patient with aortic stenosis?
Slow rising carotid impulse
Low volume
Where can pulse characteristics be felt?
Brachial artery
Will aortic stenosis have any JVP signs? Why?
No as it is a left sided lesion.
What will be felt on palpating of the apex beat in a patient with aortic stenosis?
Non displaced, pressure loaded beat.
Can any heaves/thrills be felt on palpating in a patient with aortic stenosis?
You may feel a thrill in the aortic or carotid regions.
What can be heard on auscultation of aortic stenosis?
Crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur. S2 can be heard unless stenosis is severe.
What can be heard in severe aortic stenosis?
A seagull noise
What is a pale and sweaty appearance associated with in the CVS examination?
Aortic stenosis
What can sinus rhythm of pulse with tachycardia, but low BP indicate?
Aortic stenosis
What is a slow rising carotid impulse with low volume characteristic of?
Aortic stenosis
What does a raised JVP indicate?
A Right sided lesions eg tricuspid regurgitation
With what can the apex beat be felt non-displaced but pressure loaded?
Aortic stenosis
With what may a thrill in the aortic region be felt?
Aortic stenosis
With what may a thrill in the carotid region be felt?
Aortic stenosis
Which valve lesion can sound like a seagull?
Aortic stenosis
Which valve lesion has a pansystolic murmur which has a diamond shape ie crescendo/decrescendo?
Aortic stenosis
What can be noticed on inspection of the general appearance of patients with aortic regurgitation?
There are 11 key signs
What are the peripheral signs of aortic regurgitation due to?
Volume overload
What are the main/most common signs of aortic regurgitation?
Quincke sign (severe AR - nail bed pulsation) De Musset sign (head nod with pulse) Corrigans sign (neck pulse - collapsing nature)
What is the pulse rate, rhythm and BP with aortic regurgitation?
Sinus rhythm
Normal HR
BP Systolic high eg 200/70
What pulse characteristsic can be felt with aortic regurgitation?
Collapsing pulse aka water hammer pulse
High volume
Is the JVP raised with aortic regurgitation? Why?
No - it is a Left sided lesion
Where is the apex beat felt in aortic regurgitation?
How does the apex beat feel in aortic regurgitation?
Volume loaded
What does aortic regurgitation sound like on auscultation?
Decrescendo after S2 (start of diastole)
How long is the sound in aortic regurgitation?
If mild or severe, short. Use other signs to determine severity.
If moderate, long.
What are the 11 clinical signs including De Musset, Quincke, and Corrigans sign for?
Aortic regurgitation