cve 2 Flashcards
we areee
We should learn to respect the uniqueness of others, for we know deep down that we are all human person worthy of respect.
We are Unique, though fundamentally equal
Our bodies are an essential part of our being human, not merely an “instrument” we “use” according to our whims.
We are Embodied Spirits
Persons are conscious beings, aware of themselves in their outgoing acts.
We are Conscious Beings
God the Son further dignified the body through His Incarnation “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn 1:14).
We are Embodied Spirits
Thus we “image” in our small way the Creator’s infinite knowing and loving.
We are Conscious Beings
Growing in love is the mark of our growing in the likeness of Jesus Christ.
We are Historical Beings
Despite physical differences as well as differing intellectual and moral powers, we instinctively realize that as persons, in some basic way, we are all equal.
We are Unique, though fundamentally equal
Only by freely choosing to be of loving service to others can we grow to become our fullest selves.
We are Historical Beings
We become more fully human when we are able to overcome our self-centered tendencies in order to love others.
We are Relational Beings
We mature in discernible stages not only in physical terms but also in the way we relate with others, in our awareness of ourselves and of our free acts, and in our understanding of and respect for the dignity of others.
We are Historical Beings
We become more fully human when we are able to overcome our self-centered tendencies in order to love others.
We are Relational Beings
We become our fullest selves gradually through time.
Our past experiences and choices gradually formed the kind of person we are now.
We are Historical Beings
We are Social beings or persons-in-community, always by, with, and for others.
We are Relational Beings
Our relationship with God and our relationship with our families, friends, and community are and must always be inseparably bound together.
We are Relational Beings
This is the basis for our moral life.
We are Conscious Beings