CVD Part 1 Flashcards
D.C is an 82 year old woman with hypertension, stable ischemic heart disease (MI in 2021), and rheumatoid arthritis. First-line options to manage her hypertension include:
a. ACEI or ARB, beta-blocker, nitroglycerin patch
b. ACEI or ARB, CCB, thiazide diuretic
c. ACEI or ARB, beta-blocker
d. CCB, beta-blocker
e. ACEI or ARB, beta-blocker, spironolactone
What to know about HTN in older adults? (4)
(Incidence, ISH, physiological changes, BP reduction)
- Incidence ↑ with age
- Framingham study – lifetime risk of developing hypertension is > 90% - Primarily Isolated Systolic Hypertension (ISH)
- SBP more closely correlated with CV risk in pts > 50 y - Physiological changes
- ↓ Baroreceptor response
- Impaired cerebral autoregulation - Avoid overly-aggressive BP reductions
- Risk of tissue hypoperfusion and ischemia
There is good evidence from multiple epidemiological and clinical studies that lowering high blood pressure (>160mmHg) decreases risk of: (6)
- Heart attacks
- Strokes
- Sudden cardiac death
- Heart failure
- Peripheral artery disease
- End-stage renal disease
How is HTN related to dementia? (2)
- Epidemiological studies have shown that elevated blood pressure in middle-age ↑ risk for cognitive impairment in later life
- Short-term clinical intervention studies of treating hypertension in older adults have not shown ↓ dementia risk
- Often stopped early due to superiority in CV-endpoint risk reduction (SPRINT-MIND)
- SPRINT-MIND showed ↓ risk of mild cognitive impairment with intensive (<120) vs standard (<140) BP control over 5 years
What health behaviour management can be done to help reduce HTN in older adults? (5)
- Reduce alcohol intake (abstain)
- DASH diet
- Smoking cessation
- Others may be somewhat less practical in older adults, particularly if frail
- Caution when advising weight reduction
- Sodium restriction may result in hyponatremia, orthostatic hypotension - Physical activity should continue to be encouraged
- Consideration for necessary safety modifications
- PT consultation?
How to take blood pressure properly? (9)
- Sitting position
- Back supported
- Arm bare and supported
- Use a cuff size appropriate for your arm
- Middle of the cuff at heart level
- Lower edge of cuff 3cm above elbow crease
- Do not talk or move before or during the measurement
- Legs uncrossed
- Feet flat on the floor
Someone aged 75+ years is considered a high-risk patient. What is the BP threshold for initiation of antihypertensive therapy? What is the BP treatment target?
Threshold: >=130 SBP mmHg
Target: <120 SPB mmHg
What is orthostatic hypotension defined as?
> =20 mmHg systolic and/or >=10 mmHg diastolic decrease in BP within 1-3 minutes of standing
What risk factors are associated with orthostatic hypotension? (4)
- Falls
- Hospitalizations
- CV events
- Functional decline
Orthostatic hypotension is associated with: (5)
- Increased age
- Diabetes
- Parkinson’s disease
- Dementia
- Medications
SPRINT Elders excluded patients with SBP of:
< 100 mmHg after 1 min of standing
What is our diastolic BP cutoff when decreasing?
Avoid decreasing DBP to <= 60 mmHg in individuals with established coronary artery disease.
How should we take fraility and functional status into account when decreasing blood pressure? (4)
- Older adults with severe functional impairment and dementia have been excluded from trials like SPRINT
- Risks and treatment burden of intensive BP control may outweigh benefits in these patients
- Also consider time to benefit of more intensive treatment (~2.5 years)
- Is this timeframe applicable to your patient? - Patient/family preference
Clinical frailty score of 1-3, how are we treating HTN? (4)
- Therapeutic approach similar to younger adults with treatment goal: SBP 120-140mmHg
- Start with monotherapy and titrate antihypertensive medication cautiously
- Always check for orthostatic hypotension
- Optimize treatment for global CVD prevention
Clinically frailty score of 4-5, how are we treating HTN?
Detailed Frailty/Function assessment in order to tailor antihypertensive treatment and CVD prevention weighing benefits vs. risks. Can split into two paths:
1. Moderately altered functional status –> do frailty 1-3 treatment
2. Significantly altered functional status –> do frailty 6-9 treatment
Clinical frailty score of 6-9, how are we treating HTN? (4)
Reconciliation and revision of the antiHTN therapy
1. If antiHTN treatment is considered, start with one drug at low doses and go slow, SBP goal 150mmHg; avoid using more than 3 antiHTNsive medications
2. If SBP < 130 mmHg or orthostatic hypotension under treatment
3. Consider reducing antiHTNsive treatment, especially in the case of combination therapy
4. Identify/correct other factors/medication decreasing BP
To summarize, when do we reconsider intensive BP targets? (5)
- Functional dependency, limited life expectancy, dementia
- Orthostatic hypotension
- Diastolic hypotension + CAD
- SPRINT Exclusion Criteria: Diabetes, HF, history of stroke, recent MI
- Patient/family preference
Choosing antiHTNsives in older adults:
“Is there a compelling indication for one or more of the antiHTNsive agents?”
What do we do when answer is yes? How about no?
- Yes = choose agent(s) according to compelling indication
- No = choose agents for isolated systolic HTN
What are the compelling indications for antiHTNsives? (7)
- Isolated systolic hypertension
- Diabetes with microalbuminuria, CKD, cardiovascular disease or other cardiovascular risk factors
- Recent MI
- Coronary artery disease
- Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
- Previous stroke or TIA
- Non-diabetic CKD with proteinuria
What is initial therapy (first-line) antiHTNsive for diastolic HTN with or without systolic HTN? (8)
1. TZDs or TZD-likes
2. Beta-blockers
3. ACEis
4. ARBs
5. Long-acting CCBs
SPC choices include combinations of:
1. ACEi with CCB
2. ARB with CCB
3. ACEi/ARB with a diuretic
What is initial therapy (first-line) antiHTNsive for isolated systolic HTN without other compelling indications? (3)
- TZDs or TZD-likes
- ARBs
- Long-acting DHP-CCBs