CVD Flashcards
What is CVD?
General term for conditions of the of the heart or affecting the blood vessels of the heart.
What is atherosclerosis ?
Basic pathological lesion which tends to occlude the arteries to a varying extend
What are the 4 main types of CVD?
1 = CHD ( or Ischaemia Heart Disease)
2 = Angina
3 = Heart Attack
4 Heart failure
What is stroke?
Blood supply to the brain cut off, can cause brain damage and possible death. More extreme version of a Transient Ischemic Attack, temporary disruption of blood flow to the brain.
What is FAST?
F - face
A - arms
S - Speech
T - Time
Peripheral Artery Disease ?
Blockage to arteries in the limbs, usually the legs
- Can cause dull cramping pain, hair loss on the legs and feet, numbness or weakness in the legs, ulcers on feet and legs
Aortic disease
Group of conditions affecting the aorta
- Largest blood vessel carries blood from heart to rest of the body
- Aortic aneurysm most common aortic disease
- Serious cause of mortality and serious morbidity world wide
- Nutritional factors have been shown to play an important role in aetiology and management in CHD and cerebrovascular disease and stroke
Non Modifiable Factors
Age (increasing) Masculine Gender Genetic traits Monogenic and polygenic disorders of lipid metabolism Body Build
Modifiable factors
-Lifestyle (exercise, smoking etc)
-Hyperglycaemia, Diabetes and IGT
-Increased thrombosis - increased homeostatic factors and enhanced platelet aggregation
-High levels of homocysteine
- Impaired foetal nutrition
- Dyslipidaemia = High, cholesterol, LDL + VLDL
Low, HDL
Physiological factors
- Low socio economic class
- Stress
- Coronary-Prone Behaviour patterns
- Type A behaviour
- Climate and season : cold weather
- Soft drinking water
Biggest Risk Factors
1 - raised BP
2- Tobacco
3- High Blood Glucose
Burden on Public Health
- heart Attack sufferers the tip of ice berg
- Risk factors go unrecognised
How to stop
- Reduce Fat intake
- restrict preserved and processed foods (salt)
- Increase F and V consumption
- Single Most common cause of death
- Most industrialised countries is highest cause of Admittance to hospital
- Stats under appreciate the total morbidity present from CHD
British Heart Foundation 2014 STATS
- No longer biggest cause of death
CVD = 24% Cancer 29%
2012 - 10% of Male deaths
= 74,000 deaths
41,000 from stroke; 6% men 9% women
deaths per 100,000 decreasing for men and women under 75
Overall prevalence of CVD is increasing however
International Comparisons
Eastern Europe 7x more likely to suffer than japan
3 fold differences between France, Spain and portugal, compared to Scotland, Finland and NI