CV1 Flashcards
true ribs
false ribs
floating ribs
11 and 12
flail chest
multiple broken ribs in 2 or more places
thoracic wall moves in during inspiration and out during expiration
xiphoid process level of rib and dermatome
7th rib but T6 dermatome
transverse thoracic plane
sternal angle-disc bw TV4-5
seperation bw sup and inf mediastinum
sternocostal joint
1st one is synchondrosis-impt for respiation
2-7 are plane
rib dislocation
rib seperation
rib fracture
usually angle (and usually middle ribs)
external intercostal
*only one that elevates ribs (inspiration)
A:maintain intercostal space during respiration by elevating ribs during inspiration
N: intercostal nn
internal intercostals
A:maintain intercostal space during respiration by depressing ribs during expiration
N: intercostal nn
innermost intercostals
A:maintain intercostal space during respiration by depressing ribs during expiration
N: intercostal nn
*post and spans more than one rib level
A: depress ribs during expiration
N: intercostal nn
transversus thoracis
A: depress ribs during expiration
N: intercostal nn 2-6
endothoracic fascia
deep thoracic fascia
top part is sibsons
adheres parietal pleura to thoracic wall
pump handle
increase A-P
why the first rib is a synchodrosis
bucket handle
increase transverse
musculophrenic and superior epigastric
musculophrenic is lateral
superior epigastric is medial
intercostal nn
ventral rami of spinal nn
superior mediastinum Ant to post
brachicephalic vv-formed by int. jugular and subclavian
Aortic arch and branches-starts and ends at TTP
brachiocephalic trunk, L common coratid, L subclav a
SVC-formed by 2 brachiocephalic vv
phrenic n course into thorax
passes ant to subclavian a
vagus n course and branches
larygeal, cardiac, pulmonary, and esophageal branches
lat border of common carotid and passes post to root of lung and in the post mediastinum on esophagus
left becomes the anterior vagal trunk
right becomes post vagal trunk
recurrent larageal nn
branches of vagus n
left-under arch or aorta, lat to lig arteriosum and then goes up
right-around r. subclavian a
post mediastinum
portion of inf medistinum
esophagus and decending aorta azygous vv, splancnic nn, thoracic duct
starts at C6
in sup media its post and left of trachea and then in midline in post media
esophageal constriction
esophagus innervation
symp-travel with CP splancnic and pain can feel like an MI
azygous v
formed by right ascending lumbar and right subcostal vv.
at T4 goes ant over root of right lung to enter SVC
formed by left ascending lumbar and left subcostal vv
gets 9-11 intercostal vv then cross at T9 to go to azygous
accessory hemiazygous
drains 5-8 and crosses at T8 into azygous
left 1-4 intercostal vv aka left superior intercostal v
drain directly into left brachicephalic v
right superior intercostal v (2-4 intercostal v)
drain into azygous
thoracic duct
starts at L2 at the cisterna chyli and travels post to esophagus. At T5 crosses to the left of esophagus and enters the venous angle
thoracic splancnic nn
preganglionic sympathetic axons to preaortic (paravertebral ganglia)
greatest T5-T9
Lesser T10 and 11
Least T12
hiatal hernia
abdominal viscera through esophageal hiatus
UR tract
LR tract
Upper- nose, pharynx, larynx
Lower- trachea, bronchi, lungs
starts at C6 and divides into primary bronchi which the right one is wider shorter and vertical so things get stuck
lung pleura
serosal membrane (only thing in pleural space) viceral and parital
lung parital pleura
costal, diaphragmatic, mediastinal, and cervical surfaces
mediastinal surface of lung parital pleura
continuous with the visceral, together with visceral pleura forms pulmonary ligamnet
pulmonary lig
point of fixation for the lung
cervical extension of the lung parital pleura
reinforced by sibsons (suprapleral) of endothoracic fascia
collapsed lung DT puncture of pleura (either one)
pluritis of the lung
inflammaed pleura and don’t slide over one another
pain from
parietal pleura which has sensory fibers from phrenic and intercostal nn so refered pain is C345
visceral pleura has sensory that travel with autonomic fibers
bare area of heart
rib space 5/6
Tension pneumothorax
DT trauma, emhysema, lung cancer, COPD
signs are distended neck veins and hypoTN from low CO
caused by loss of integrity of pleura (either one) resulting in air getting in but unable to leave so there is an increase in intrathoracic pressure and you have mediastinal shift to contralateral side and comprimises venous return
spontaneous pneumo
in tall lanky males
right lung
oblique and horizontal fissure=3 lobes sup, middle (4-6 ribs), inf
art is ant to bronchus
left lung
oblique fissure=2 lobes sup and inf
cardiac notch and lingula
art is sup to bronchus
pulm veins location
usually ant and inf