Cuture Medium Flashcards
-nutrient material prepared for the growth of microorganism in a laboratory
Culture Medium
Plural of Culture Medium
Microorganism introduced into a culture medium to initiate growth
microorganism that grow and multiply in and on a culture medium
material devoid of any living microorganism and viruses
A complex polysaccharide and used as a solidifying agent added to the solid medium from marine alga. Solidifies at 40 degrees celcius
process of destruction or removal of all forms of microorganisms
material that a microrrganism feeds on
made up of proteins that catalyzes chemical reactions
in test tube and petri dish
Solid Medium
solid agar in test tubes
agar solidifies in a vertical tube
Culture medium to solidify
Agar should be at 1.5-2%
useful for identifying organisms based on colony characteristics
Solid media
The bacterial population is considered derived from 1 bacterial cell
Only in test tubes
Liquid broth
measured by spectrophotometer called as optical density
solidifying agent
agar liquifies at what degree
100 degrees celcius
gram-positive bateria mamebers of Genera Bacillus and Clostridium form vegetative cells and endospores
Spore Formers
found in soil and endospores can be spread by the wind
Genera members
common contaminants in the lab
Bacillus members
to seal individual petri plates and ready for storage
used to measure media powder; needed to calibrate first before using
Analytical Balance & Triple Beam Balance
when to cover with aluminum foil
before autoclaving & after sterilization or storage
used to transfer inocuum to test tubes and petri dishes; used in broths and solid medias
Inoculating Loop and Needle
Stab Method of Inoculating Loop, explain
inoculating should be used in solid media with stab method
sterilizes inoculating loop and needles; used in aseptic technique
Alcohol Lamp
sterilizes inoculating loops and needles up to 10 seconds; uses 815 degrees celcius heat with infra-red heat
Bacti-cinerator sterilizer
routine sterilization process for microbiology laboratory
specialized pressure cooker which uses moist heat; glasswares and small material instruments
physical control of microbial growth; water vapor acids
Moist Heat
maintains temperature settings, pour non-sterilized water inside, keeps media liquified
Water Bath
melting & mixing flasks of media and liquids
Hot Plate
to melt sterile media easier
Improvised Water Bath
mixers of test tubes or conical centrifuge tubes to ensure solid particles into homogenous mixture
Vortex Mixer
equipment that separates soilds, particles from liquid
color coded for different blood tests
Blood Collection Tubes
uses dry heat and hot air which removes moisture
maintains constant temperatrue; maintains with thermostat
stores microbial culture up to 2 years
Biological Refrigerators
rotary shakes flasks
precision instruments that are provided with plastic tips fro dispensng liquid
transfers media to test tubes thru purshing button
Electronic Pipette Controller
microbiologists use this instrument to measure turbidity, represented by optical density
avoids bubble formation while covering with cover slip
Glass Slides & Cover Slip
used to tranfer sterile water to glass slides
Dropper & Glass Pasteur Pipettes
separated solid particles with liquid
Filter paper
to cultivate anaerobic microorganisms
Anaerobic Jar and Candle Jar
prevents contamination and protects the operator from exposure from aerosol exposure to infectious agents
Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC)
measurement of microbial growth
-total cell count
-viable cell count or plate count
-turbidity method
covered with a cover slip, using micropipettor, dislodge a small drop of sample in a well in hemocytometer
manually count colonies with a grid or computer assisted colony counter
Colony Counter Equipment