Custody Flashcards
Factors for Joint Custody (5)
Courts consider:
1) FITNESS of both parents
2) whether parents AGREE on JC
3) parents’ ability to COMMUNICATE & COOPERATE concerning child’s wellbeing
4) CHILDS PERFERENCE (if 12 or older)
5) INVOLVEMENT LEVEL of each parent in child’s life
6) PROXIMITY of Parent’s homes
7) EFFECT of JC on child’s psychological development
BIOC Standard considers (6)
- Wishes of Parent’s
- Child’s Preference
- Child’s Relationship
- Child’s adjustment
- Parties mental/physical health
- Child’s primary caregiver
Modification of custody allowed when
- substantial change in circumstance affecting child’s wellbeing (usually unforeseen at time of initial judgement)
Relocation of Parent/Child Process
- If JC –> considered substantial change in circumstances, warranting custody modification.
1) notice to other parent required & court hearing to determine if relocation permitted
2) If move is sought in good faith & in BIOC = approved
3) court balances impact on visitation v. benefits of move
Sole Custody
- usually only awarded if strong evidence that it is in BIOC
- If awarded - other Parent still entitled to visitation unless harm will result
Custody/Visitation to Nonparent
- Parent has Constitutional right to raise their kid
- Absent voluntary relinquishment, parent entitled to custody unless nonparent can show parent is unfit or parent having custody will cause harm to kid
- SCOTUS states that if parent is fit, wishes on nonparent visitation are constitutionally protected and must be given special weight
Unwed Fathers Custody Rights
Protected by due process clause and have custody rights if they demonstrate parental responsibility.
unwed father must be willing to assume custody of the child and not merely block adoption by others.
Other considerations include
- publicly acknowledging paternity,
- paying pregnancy and birth-related expenses,
- taking steps to establish legal responsibility for the child,
- showing a commitment to the child.
Rights of parent when someone else wants to adopt
- Entitled to notice of proceeding
- involved parent who demonstrates full commitment to responsibilities of parenthood, likely can successfully oppose adoption
The child of a married women is ________________.
presumed to be the child of her husband.
Adoption Requirements
- Termination of Natural Parents’ rights - generally need consent of both biological parents. (consent may not be needed if parental rights terminated)