Custodial Sentencing Flashcards
What are the 4 ways of dealing with offending behaviour?
- Custodial Sentencing
- Behaviour Modification
- Anger Management
- Restorative Justice
What is Custodial Sentencing?
When an offender spend times in a prison or other closed institution, such as a psychiatric hospital
What are the 4 aims of Custodial Sentencing?
- Deterrence
- Incapacitation
- Retribution
- Rehabilitation
What is the purpose of Deterrence as an aim of Custodial Sentencing?
The unpleasant prison experience is designed to put the individual off from reengaging in offending behaviour
What is the purpose of Incapacitation as an aim of Custodial Sentencing?
To protect the public by removing the offender from society, physically preventing them from reoffending
What is the purpose of Retribution as an aim of Custodial Sentencing?
Allowing society to ”get revenge” on the offender by making them suffer. The level of suffering should be proportionate to the severity of the offence
What is the purpose of Rehabilitation as an aim of Custodial Sentencing?
To provide the offender with the appropriate therapies, treatment programmes, skillset, and a chance to reflect on their offence, in hopes of preventing them from reoffending and in them leaving prison better adjusted and able to contribute to society
On what 2 levels does Deterrence function as an aim of Custodial Sentencing?
- General Deterrence: sending a broader message to society the criminality won’t be tolerated
- Individual Deterrence: aim to prevent the individual from reoffending in light of their experience
What are 3 Psychological Effects of Custodial Sentencing?
- Stress & Depression
- Institutionalisation
- Prisonisation
What does Stress & Depression as a Psychological Effect of Custodial Sentencing lead to?
Significantly higher suicide rates and instances of self-harm
What is Institutionalisation in terms of Custodial Sentencing?
When offenders become accustomed to the norms and routines of prison life (e.g. being fed and woken up at certain times) sometimes to the extreme that they are then unable to function in the outside world
What is Prisonisation in terms of Custodial Sentencing?
The adoption of behaviour that are appropriate in prisons but not in the outside world (e.g. the causal use of violent as a first resort)
What is the Rate of Recidivism in the UK, and what does this suggest?
Around 25-30%, suggesting that prisons aren’t an effect method for tackling offending behaviour
What is Recidivism
What is a strength of Custodial Sentencing?
It provides opportunities for both training and treatment programmes, linking to the fact that those who have access to education in prison are 43% less likely to reoffend
What did Bartol find the suicide rate in prison is compared to the general population?
Around 15x higher
How many suicides were there in UK prisons in 2016?
119, which is one every 3 days
What did the Prison Reform Trust find regarding the psychological effects of Custodial Sentencing?
That 25% of women and 15% of men experienced symptoms of psychosis